path: root/node_modules/@types/node/ts4.8/dns.d.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/@types/node/ts4.8/dns.d.ts')
1 files changed, 660 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..ca3ddbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@types/node/ts4.8/dns.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+ * The `dns` module enables name resolution. For example, use it to look up IP
+ * addresses of host names.
+ *
+ * Although named for the [Domain Name System (DNS)](, it does not always use the
+ * DNS protocol for lookups. {@link lookup} uses the operating system
+ * facilities to perform name resolution. It may not need to perform any network
+ * communication. To perform name resolution the way other applications on the same
+ * system do, use {@link lookup}.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const dns = require('dns');
+ *
+ * dns.lookup('', (err, address, family) => {
+ * console.log('address: %j family: IPv%s', address, family);
+ * });
+ * // address: "" family: IPv4
+ * ```
+ *
+ * All other functions in the `dns` module connect to an actual DNS server to
+ * perform name resolution. They will always use the network to perform DNS
+ * queries. These functions do not use the same set of configuration files used by {@link lookup} (e.g. `/etc/hosts`). Use these functions to always perform
+ * DNS queries, bypassing other name-resolution facilities.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const dns = require('dns');
+ *
+ * dns.resolve4('', (err, addresses) => {
+ * if (err) throw err;
+ *
+ * console.log(`addresses: ${JSON.stringify(addresses)}`);
+ *
+ * addresses.forEach((a) => {
+ * dns.reverse(a, (err, hostnames) => {
+ * if (err) {
+ * throw err;
+ * }
+ * console.log(`reverse for ${a}: ${JSON.stringify(hostnames)}`);
+ * });
+ * });
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * See the `Implementation considerations section` for more information.
+ * @see [source](
+ */
+declare module 'dns' {
+ import * as dnsPromises from 'node:dns/promises';
+ // Supported getaddrinfo flags.
+ export const ADDRCONFIG: number;
+ export const V4MAPPED: number;
+ /**
+ * If `dns.V4MAPPED` is specified, return resolved IPv6 addresses as
+ * well as IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses.
+ */
+ export const ALL: number;
+ export interface LookupOptions {
+ family?: number | undefined;
+ hints?: number | undefined;
+ all?: boolean | undefined;
+ /**
+ * @default true
+ */
+ verbatim?: boolean | undefined;
+ }
+ export interface LookupOneOptions extends LookupOptions {
+ all?: false | undefined;
+ }
+ export interface LookupAllOptions extends LookupOptions {
+ all: true;
+ }
+ export interface LookupAddress {
+ address: string;
+ family: number;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolves a host name (e.g. `''`) into the first found A (IPv4) or
+ * AAAA (IPv6) record. All `option` properties are optional. If `options` is an
+ * integer, then it must be `4` or `6` – if `options` is not provided, then IPv4
+ * and IPv6 addresses are both returned if found.
+ *
+ * With the `all` option set to `true`, the arguments for `callback` change to`(err, addresses)`, with `addresses` being an array of objects with the
+ * properties `address` and `family`.
+ *
+ * On error, `err` is an `Error` object, where `err.code` is the error code.
+ * Keep in mind that `err.code` will be set to `'ENOTFOUND'` not only when
+ * the host name does not exist but also when the lookup fails in other ways
+ * such as no available file descriptors.
+ *
+ * `dns.lookup()` does not necessarily have anything to do with the DNS protocol.
+ * The implementation uses an operating system facility that can associate names
+ * with addresses, and vice versa. This implementation can have subtle but
+ * important consequences on the behavior of any Node.js program. Please take some
+ * time to consult the `Implementation considerations section` before using`dns.lookup()`.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const dns = require('dns');
+ * const options = {
+ * family: 6,
+ * hints: dns.ADDRCONFIG | dns.V4MAPPED,
+ * };
+ * dns.lookup('', options, (err, address, family) =>
+ * console.log('address: %j family: IPv%s', address, family));
+ * // address: "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946" family: IPv6
+ *
+ * // When options.all is true, the result will be an Array.
+ * options.all = true;
+ * dns.lookup('', options, (err, addresses) =>
+ * console.log('addresses: %j', addresses));
+ * // addresses: [{"address":"2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946","family":6}]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If this method is invoked as its `util.promisify()` ed version, and `all`is not set to `true`, it returns a `Promise` for an `Object` with `address` and`family` properties.
+ * @since v0.1.90
+ */
+ export function lookup(hostname: string, family: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, address: string, family: number) => void): void;
+ export function lookup(hostname: string, options: LookupOneOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, address: string, family: number) => void): void;
+ export function lookup(hostname: string, options: LookupAllOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: LookupAddress[]) => void): void;
+ export function lookup(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, address: string | LookupAddress[], family: number) => void): void;
+ export function lookup(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, address: string, family: number) => void): void;
+ export namespace lookup {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, options: LookupAllOptions): Promise<LookupAddress[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, options?: LookupOneOptions | number): Promise<LookupAddress>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions): Promise<LookupAddress | LookupAddress[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolves the given `address` and `port` into a host name and service using
+ * the operating system's underlying `getnameinfo` implementation.
+ *
+ * If `address` is not a valid IP address, a `TypeError` will be thrown.
+ * The `port` will be coerced to a number. If it is not a legal port, a `TypeError`will be thrown.
+ *
+ * On an error, `err` is an `Error` object, where `err.code` is the error code.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const dns = require('dns');
+ * dns.lookupService('', 22, (err, hostname, service) => {
+ * console.log(hostname, service);
+ * // Prints: localhost ssh
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If this method is invoked as its `util.promisify()` ed version, it returns a`Promise` for an `Object` with `hostname` and `service` properties.
+ * @since v0.11.14
+ */
+ export function lookupService(address: string, port: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, hostname: string, service: string) => void): void;
+ export namespace lookupService {
+ function __promisify__(
+ address: string,
+ port: number
+ ): Promise<{
+ hostname: string;
+ service: string;
+ }>;
+ }
+ export interface ResolveOptions {
+ ttl: boolean;
+ }
+ export interface ResolveWithTtlOptions extends ResolveOptions {
+ ttl: true;
+ }
+ export interface RecordWithTtl {
+ address: string;
+ ttl: number;
+ }
+ /** @deprecated Use `AnyARecord` or `AnyAaaaRecord` instead. */
+ export type AnyRecordWithTtl = AnyARecord | AnyAaaaRecord;
+ export interface AnyARecord extends RecordWithTtl {
+ type: 'A';
+ }
+ export interface AnyAaaaRecord extends RecordWithTtl {
+ type: 'AAAA';
+ }
+ export interface CaaRecord {
+ critical: number;
+ issue?: string | undefined;
+ issuewild?: string | undefined;
+ iodef?: string | undefined;
+ contactemail?: string | undefined;
+ contactphone?: string | undefined;
+ }
+ export interface MxRecord {
+ priority: number;
+ exchange: string;
+ }
+ export interface AnyMxRecord extends MxRecord {
+ type: 'MX';
+ }
+ export interface NaptrRecord {
+ flags: string;
+ service: string;
+ regexp: string;
+ replacement: string;
+ order: number;
+ preference: number;
+ }
+ export interface AnyNaptrRecord extends NaptrRecord {
+ type: 'NAPTR';
+ }
+ export interface SoaRecord {
+ nsname: string;
+ hostmaster: string;
+ serial: number;
+ refresh: number;
+ retry: number;
+ expire: number;
+ minttl: number;
+ }
+ export interface AnySoaRecord extends SoaRecord {
+ type: 'SOA';
+ }
+ export interface SrvRecord {
+ priority: number;
+ weight: number;
+ port: number;
+ name: string;
+ }
+ export interface AnySrvRecord extends SrvRecord {
+ type: 'SRV';
+ }
+ export interface AnyTxtRecord {
+ type: 'TXT';
+ entries: string[];
+ }
+ export interface AnyNsRecord {
+ type: 'NS';
+ value: string;
+ }
+ export interface AnyPtrRecord {
+ type: 'PTR';
+ value: string;
+ }
+ export interface AnyCnameRecord {
+ type: 'CNAME';
+ value: string;
+ }
+ export type AnyRecord = AnyARecord | AnyAaaaRecord | AnyCnameRecord | AnyMxRecord | AnyNaptrRecord | AnyNsRecord | AnyPtrRecord | AnySoaRecord | AnySrvRecord | AnyTxtRecord;
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a host name (e.g. `''`) into an array
+ * of the resource records. The `callback` function has arguments`(err, records)`. When successful, `records` will be an array of resource
+ * records. The type and structure of individual results varies based on `rrtype`:
+ *
+ * <omitted>
+ *
+ * On error, `err` is an `Error` object, where `err.code` is one of the `DNS error codes`.
+ * @since v0.1.27
+ * @param hostname Host name to resolve.
+ * @param [rrtype='A'] Resource record type.
+ */
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'A', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'AAAA', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'ANY', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: AnyRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'CNAME', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'MX', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: MxRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'NAPTR', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: NaptrRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'NS', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'PTR', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'SOA', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: SoaRecord) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'SRV', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: SrvRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(hostname: string, rrtype: 'TXT', callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[][]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve(
+ hostname: string,
+ rrtype: string,
+ callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[] | MxRecord[] | NaptrRecord[] | SoaRecord | SrvRecord[] | string[][] | AnyRecord[]) => void
+ ): void;
+ export namespace resolve {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype?: 'A' | 'AAAA' | 'CNAME' | 'NS' | 'PTR'): Promise<string[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype: 'ANY'): Promise<AnyRecord[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype: 'MX'): Promise<MxRecord[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype: 'NAPTR'): Promise<NaptrRecord[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype: 'SOA'): Promise<SoaRecord>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype: 'SRV'): Promise<SrvRecord[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype: 'TXT'): Promise<string[][]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, rrtype: string): Promise<string[] | MxRecord[] | NaptrRecord[] | SoaRecord | SrvRecord[] | string[][] | AnyRecord[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a IPv4 addresses (`A` records) for the`hostname`. The `addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function
+ * will contain an array of IPv4 addresses (e.g.`['', '', '']`).
+ * @since v0.1.16
+ * @param hostname Host name to resolve.
+ */
+ export function resolve4(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve4(hostname: string, options: ResolveWithTtlOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: RecordWithTtl[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve4(hostname: string, options: ResolveOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[] | RecordWithTtl[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolve4 {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<string[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, options: ResolveWithTtlOptions): Promise<RecordWithTtl[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, options?: ResolveOptions): Promise<string[] | RecordWithTtl[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a IPv6 addresses (`AAAA` records) for the`hostname`. The `addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function
+ * will contain an array of IPv6 addresses.
+ * @since v0.1.16
+ * @param hostname Host name to resolve.
+ */
+ export function resolve6(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve6(hostname: string, options: ResolveWithTtlOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: RecordWithTtl[]) => void): void;
+ export function resolve6(hostname: string, options: ResolveOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[] | RecordWithTtl[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolve6 {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<string[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, options: ResolveWithTtlOptions): Promise<RecordWithTtl[]>;
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string, options?: ResolveOptions): Promise<string[] | RecordWithTtl[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve `CNAME` records for the `hostname`. The`addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function
+ * will contain an array of canonical name records available for the `hostname`(e.g. `['']`).
+ * @since v0.3.2
+ */
+ export function resolveCname(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveCname {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<string[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve `CAA` records for the `hostname`. The`addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function
+ * will contain an array of certification authority authorization records
+ * available for the `hostname` (e.g. `[{critical: 0, iodef: ''}, {critical: 128, issue: ''}]`).
+ * @since v15.0.0, v14.17.0
+ */
+ export function resolveCaa(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, records: CaaRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveCaa {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<CaaRecord[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve mail exchange records (`MX` records) for the`hostname`. The `addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function will
+ * contain an array of objects containing both a `priority` and `exchange`property (e.g. `[{priority: 10, exchange: ''}, ...]`).
+ * @since v0.1.27
+ */
+ export function resolveMx(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: MxRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveMx {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<MxRecord[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve regular expression based records (`NAPTR`records) for the `hostname`. The `addresses` argument passed to the `callback`function will contain an array of
+ * objects with the following properties:
+ *
+ * * `flags`
+ * * `service`
+ * * `regexp`
+ * * `replacement`
+ * * `order`
+ * * `preference`
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * {
+ * flags: 's',
+ * service: 'SIP+D2U',
+ * regexp: '',
+ * replacement: '',
+ * order: 30,
+ * preference: 100
+ * }
+ * ```
+ * @since v0.9.12
+ */
+ export function resolveNaptr(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: NaptrRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveNaptr {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<NaptrRecord[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve name server records (`NS` records) for the`hostname`. The `addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function will
+ * contain an array of name server records available for `hostname`(e.g. `['', '']`).
+ * @since v0.1.90
+ */
+ export function resolveNs(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveNs {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<string[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve pointer records (`PTR` records) for the`hostname`. The `addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function will
+ * be an array of strings containing the reply records.
+ * @since v6.0.0
+ */
+ export function resolvePtr(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolvePtr {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<string[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a start of authority record (`SOA` record) for
+ * the `hostname`. The `address` argument passed to the `callback` function will
+ * be an object with the following properties:
+ *
+ * * `nsname`
+ * * `hostmaster`
+ * * `serial`
+ * * `refresh`
+ * * `retry`
+ * * `expire`
+ * * `minttl`
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * {
+ * nsname: '',
+ * hostmaster: '',
+ * serial: 2013101809,
+ * refresh: 10000,
+ * retry: 2400,
+ * expire: 604800,
+ * minttl: 3600
+ * }
+ * ```
+ * @since v0.11.10
+ */
+ export function resolveSoa(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, address: SoaRecord) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveSoa {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<SoaRecord>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve service records (`SRV` records) for the`hostname`. The `addresses` argument passed to the `callback` function will
+ * be an array of objects with the following properties:
+ *
+ * * `priority`
+ * * `weight`
+ * * `port`
+ * * `name`
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * {
+ * priority: 10,
+ * weight: 5,
+ * port: 21223,
+ * name: ''
+ * }
+ * ```
+ * @since v0.1.27
+ */
+ export function resolveSrv(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: SrvRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveSrv {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<SrvRecord[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve text queries (`TXT` records) for the`hostname`. The `records` argument passed to the `callback` function is a
+ * two-dimensional array of the text records available for `hostname` (e.g.`[ ['v=spf1 ip4: ', '~all' ] ]`). Each sub-array contains TXT chunks of
+ * one record. Depending on the use case, these could be either joined together or
+ * treated separately.
+ * @since v0.1.27
+ */
+ export function resolveTxt(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: string[][]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveTxt {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<string[][]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses the DNS protocol to resolve all records (also known as `ANY` or `*` query).
+ * The `ret` argument passed to the `callback` function will be an array containing
+ * various types of records. Each object has a property `type` that indicates the
+ * type of the current record. And depending on the `type`, additional properties
+ * will be present on the object:
+ *
+ * <omitted>
+ *
+ * Here is an example of the `ret` object passed to the callback:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * [ { type: 'A', address: '', ttl: 299 },
+ * { type: 'CNAME', value: '' },
+ * { type: 'MX', exchange: '', priority: 50 },
+ * { type: 'NS', value: '' },
+ * { type: 'TXT', entries: [ 'v=spf1 ~all' ] },
+ * { type: 'SOA',
+ * nsname: '',
+ * hostmaster: '',
+ * serial: 156696742,
+ * refresh: 900,
+ * retry: 900,
+ * expire: 1800,
+ * minttl: 60 } ]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * DNS server operators may choose not to respond to `ANY`queries. It may be better to call individual methods like {@link resolve4},{@link resolveMx}, and so on. For more details, see [RFC
+ * 8482](
+ */
+ export function resolveAny(hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, addresses: AnyRecord[]) => void): void;
+ export namespace resolveAny {
+ function __promisify__(hostname: string): Promise<AnyRecord[]>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs a reverse DNS query that resolves an IPv4 or IPv6 address to an
+ * array of host names.
+ *
+ * On error, `err` is an `Error` object, where `err.code` is
+ * one of the `DNS error codes`.
+ * @since v0.1.16
+ */
+ export function reverse(ip: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, hostnames: string[]) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Sets the IP address and port of servers to be used when performing DNS
+ * resolution. The `servers` argument is an array of [RFC 5952]( formatted
+ * addresses. If the port is the IANA default DNS port (53) it can be omitted.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * dns.setServers([
+ * '',
+ * '[2001:4860:4860::8888]',
+ * '',
+ * '[2001:4860:4860::8888]:1053',
+ * ]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * An error will be thrown if an invalid address is provided.
+ *
+ * The `dns.setServers()` method must not be called while a DNS query is in
+ * progress.
+ *
+ * The {@link setServers} method affects only {@link resolve},`dns.resolve*()` and {@link reverse} (and specifically _not_ {@link lookup}).
+ *
+ * This method works much like [resolve.conf](
+ * That is, if attempting to resolve with the first server provided results in a`NOTFOUND` error, the `resolve()` method will _not_ attempt to resolve with
+ * subsequent servers provided. Fallback DNS servers will only be used if the
+ * earlier ones time out or result in some other error.
+ * @since v0.11.3
+ * @param servers array of `RFC 5952` formatted addresses
+ */
+ export function setServers(servers: ReadonlyArray<string>): void;
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of IP address strings, formatted according to [RFC 5952](,
+ * that are currently configured for DNS resolution. A string will include a port
+ * section if a custom port is used.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * [
+ * '',
+ * '2001:4860:4860::8888',
+ * '',
+ * '[2001:4860:4860::8888]:1053',
+ * ]
+ * ```
+ * @since v0.11.3
+ */
+ export function getServers(): string[];
+ /**
+ * Set the default value of `verbatim` in {@link lookup} and `dnsPromises.lookup()`. The value could be:
+ *
+ * * `ipv4first`: sets default `verbatim` `false`.
+ * * `verbatim`: sets default `verbatim` `true`.
+ *
+ * The default is `ipv4first` and {@link setDefaultResultOrder} have higher
+ * priority than `--dns-result-order`. When using `worker threads`,{@link setDefaultResultOrder} from the main thread won't affect the default
+ * dns orders in workers.
+ * @since v16.4.0, v14.18.0
+ * @param order must be `'ipv4first'` or `'verbatim'`.
+ */
+ export function setDefaultResultOrder(order: 'ipv4first' | 'verbatim'): void;
+ // Error codes
+ export const NODATA: string;
+ export const FORMERR: string;
+ export const SERVFAIL: string;
+ export const NOTFOUND: string;
+ export const NOTIMP: string;
+ export const REFUSED: string;
+ export const BADQUERY: string;
+ export const BADNAME: string;
+ export const BADFAMILY: string;
+ export const BADRESP: string;
+ export const CONNREFUSED: string;
+ export const TIMEOUT: string;
+ export const EOF: string;
+ export const FILE: string;
+ export const NOMEM: string;
+ export const DESTRUCTION: string;
+ export const BADSTR: string;
+ export const BADFLAGS: string;
+ export const NONAME: string;
+ export const BADHINTS: string;
+ export const NOTINITIALIZED: string;
+ export const LOADIPHLPAPI: string;
+ export const ADDRGETNETWORKPARAMS: string;
+ export const CANCELLED: string;
+ export interface ResolverOptions {
+ timeout?: number | undefined;
+ /**
+ * @default 4
+ */
+ tries?: number;
+ }
+ /**
+ * An independent resolver for DNS requests.
+ *
+ * Creating a new resolver uses the default server settings. Setting
+ * the servers used for a resolver using `resolver.setServers()` does not affect
+ * other resolvers:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const { Resolver } = require('dns');
+ * const resolver = new Resolver();
+ * resolver.setServers(['']);
+ *
+ * // This request will use the server at, independent of global settings.
+ * resolver.resolve4('', (err, addresses) => {
+ * // ...
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The following methods from the `dns` module are available:
+ *
+ * * `resolver.getServers()`
+ * * `resolver.resolve()`
+ * * `resolver.resolve4()`
+ * * `resolver.resolve6()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveAny()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveCaa()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveCname()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveMx()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveNaptr()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveNs()`
+ * * `resolver.resolvePtr()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveSoa()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveSrv()`
+ * * `resolver.resolveTxt()`
+ * * `resolver.reverse()`
+ * * `resolver.setServers()`
+ * @since v8.3.0
+ */
+ export class Resolver {
+ constructor(options?: ResolverOptions);
+ /**
+ * Cancel all outstanding DNS queries made by this resolver. The corresponding
+ * callbacks will be called with an error with code `ECANCELLED`.
+ * @since v8.3.0
+ */
+ cancel(): void;
+ getServers: typeof getServers;
+ resolve: typeof resolve;
+ resolve4: typeof resolve4;
+ resolve6: typeof resolve6;
+ resolveAny: typeof resolveAny;
+ resolveCaa: typeof resolveCaa;
+ resolveCname: typeof resolveCname;
+ resolveMx: typeof resolveMx;
+ resolveNaptr: typeof resolveNaptr;
+ resolveNs: typeof resolveNs;
+ resolvePtr: typeof resolvePtr;
+ resolveSoa: typeof resolveSoa;
+ resolveSrv: typeof resolveSrv;
+ resolveTxt: typeof resolveTxt;
+ reverse: typeof reverse;
+ /**
+ * The resolver instance will send its requests from the specified IP address.
+ * This allows programs to specify outbound interfaces when used on multi-homed
+ * systems.
+ *
+ * If a v4 or v6 address is not specified, it is set to the default, and the
+ * operating system will choose a local address automatically.
+ *
+ * The resolver will use the v4 local address when making requests to IPv4 DNS
+ * servers, and the v6 local address when making requests to IPv6 DNS servers.
+ * The `rrtype` of resolution requests has no impact on the local address used.
+ * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0
+ * @param [ipv4=''] A string representation of an IPv4 address.
+ * @param [ipv6='::0'] A string representation of an IPv6 address.
+ */
+ setLocalAddress(ipv4?: string, ipv6?: string): void;
+ setServers: typeof setServers;
+ }
+ export { dnsPromises as promises };
+declare module 'node:dns' {
+ export * from 'dns';