diff options
authorRaindropsSys <>2023-07-07 18:57:13 +0200
committerRaindropsSys <>2023-07-07 18:57:13 +0200
commitd907bc906d7524d7670387617ee3bc3141e483e1 (patch)
parent036c13faf81216d7bad339050ff3706a88f9219b (diff)
Updated 5 files, added 2 files and renamed docs/ (automated)
-rw-r--r--docs/ (renamed from docs/
8 files changed, 234 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/.idea/workspace.sync-conflict-20230706-082104-SY6BK7A.xml b/.idea/workspace.sync-conflict-20230706-082104-SY6BK7A.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d56eca
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
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diff --git a/ b/
index a625514..a95b060 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* [x] <s>Task bar **- Raindrops**</s>
* [ ] Media keys
* [ ] Application switcher **- Raindrops**
+ * [ ] Screenshots **- Raindrops**
* [ ] Notifications
* [x] <s>Status bar **- Raindrops**</s>
* [x] <s>Power options **- Raindrops**</s>
diff --git a/core/about/index.html b/core/about/index.html
index f70787f..f06390d 100644
--- a/core/about/index.html
+++ b/core/about/index.html
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
user-select: none;
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diff --git a/core/desktop/index.html b/core/desktop/index.html
index cf21767..ef9269e 100644
--- a/core/desktop/index.html
+++ b/core/desktop/index.html
@@ -257,8 +257,12 @@
- ipcRenderer.on('switchBack', (event) => {
- console.log("switchBack");
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+ console.log("emergency");
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+ console.log("forceQuit");
function transferError(error) {
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23fc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Installing kirinOS on Raspberry Pi (experimental method, with GPU acceleration)
+> **WARNING:** kirinOS is currently in development and is not yet suitable for daily use. As such, the installation process will be complicated, and you might run into issues. Additionally, **kirinOS on ARM is not supported and may permanently damage your device**, please proceed with caution.
+> **Note:** The ARM port of kirinOS is meant to be used on's own "Kirinbox" and "Kirinbook" devices; for consumer use, prefer to use the x86 version
+## Requirements
+* Raspberry Pi 4 or later
+* 2GB of RAM or more
+* 8GB (or larger) SD card
+* Ethernet connection (very important, Wi-Fi is not supported yet)
+* Micro HDMI to HDMI cable
+ * **Note:** Using a screen larger than 1080p may cause performance issues on Raspberry Pi 4
+* Keyboard and mouse
+* Access to through your firewall (if applicable)
+* Lot of time
+## 1. Installing Raspberry Pi OS
+You first have to install Raspberry Pi OS onto your Pi's SD card. To do so, visit and download Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64-bit (make absolutely sure you have the 64-bit version as kirinOS is 64-bit only).
+Once you have installed Raspberry Pi OS to your SD card, plug in your Pi and wait for it to start up, then follow these steps:
+* When asked to select a keyboard layout, select the one you want (we recommend you select "English (US)": Other > English (US) > English (US))
+* When asked to enter a username, enter "kirinos", and enter "kirinos" as the password
+* Once you can log in, log in as "kirinos" with the password "kirinos"
+* Run the `sudo passwd` command and enter password "kirinos"
+* Run the `sudo su` command, and then `hostnamectl set-hostname kirinos`
+* Run `lsb_release`, if it says "Release: 11", follow these steps:
+ * Run `nano /etc/apt/sources.list` and replace "bullseye" with "bookworm"; then do the same with `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list`
+ * Run `apt update`, and `apt full-upgrade -y`; this will take a really long time so be patient
+ * If you are asked "Restart services during package updates without asking?", select "Yes"
+ * If you are asked about configuration files, enter "Y" and press Enter
+* Once everything is done, run `reboot` to restart the Raspberry Pi. You can now log in directly as `root` with the `kirinos` password.
+## 2. Configuring the Raspberry Pi
+Now that you have Debian 12 installed, you can continue with setting up your Raspberry Pi by setting a few options that will be necessary for kirinOS.
+Follow these steps:
+* Run `apt install -y git npm` to install the required programs to download kirinOS. These are not used yet but will be used to install kirinOS later on.
+* Run `raspi-config` to open the Raspberry Pi configuration program
+* When asked "What user should these settings apply to?", enter "kirinos"
+* Select "System Options", then "Audio", and select the HDMI port your monitor is plugged into, or the audio jack
+* Select "Display Options", then "Screen Blanking", and "No"
+* Select "Localisation Options", then "WLAN Country", then select your country
+* Finally, select "Finish" and "No"
+* Run `nano /boot/cmdline.txt` and add `quiet` at the end (after a space)
+* Save, quit, and enter `reboot`
+## 3. Installing kirinOS
+You have now installed Debian. Log in as `root` with the password `kirinos`.
+You now need to follow these instructions to install kirinOS:
+* Run the following command:
+ * `git clone /kirin`
+* Wait for it to download kirinOS
+* Run `cd /kirin`
+* Run `npm install electron` to reinstall the kirinOS core for the correct CPU architecture (by default, it is installed for x86)
+* Run `chmod +x`, and then `./`
+* You are now installing the required dependencies and configuring your Debian installation to run kirinOS. This will take a while, so take a break while it's working
+ * You might get a few error messages about services not being found, this is normal.
+* Run `reboot` to restart the system
+* If the screen turns green shortly after starting up, you have reached the first stage of the kirinOS startup process
+* The screen may flicker a few times during the rest of the boot process
+ * If you want technical details, the screen will flicker between each state of the boot process. Stage 1 is when the orange screen appears, stage 2 is when the screen resolution is set properly, and stage 3 is when the GUI is loaded
+* Once the "Welcome to kirinOS" message appears, your system is installed properly
+* After the boot process has completed, click on the "Owner" user and login using the "password" password
+* Once you are logged in, you can click on the kirinOS logo in the top left corner and click on the "About" icon to check your system information
+## Wrapping up
+You now have kirinOS installed on bare metal, please report any issue you may encounter, so we can fix them before the final release.
+You may experiment a lot of different graphical issues. These are not from us and are from the GPU driver used. If you want a more usable experience at the expense of performance, you may want to use the method without GPU acceleration instead.
+If you wish to upgrade to a newer version of kirinOS, you will need to do the following:
+* Press Ctrl+Q
+* Run `cd /`
+* Run `rm -rf /kirin`
+ * **Note:** As upgrading is currently not supported, this will delete all of your user data
+* Repeat all the steps mentioned in "3. Installing kirinOS" after the step about running `su` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index ea37585..f39af66 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# Installing kirinOS on Raspberry Pi
+# Installing kirinOS on Raspberry Pi (verified method, no GPU acceleration)
> **WARNING:** kirinOS is currently in development and is not yet suitable for daily use. As such, the installation process will be complicated, and you might run into issues. Additionally, **kirinOS on ARM is not supported and may permanently damage your device**, please proceed with caution.
-> **Note:** The ARM port of kirinOS is meant to be used on's own "Mangobox" and "Mangobook" devices; for consumer use, prefer to use the x86 version
+> **Note:** The ARM port of kirinOS is meant to be used on's own "Kirinbox" and "Kirinbook" devices; for consumer use, prefer to use the x86 version
## Requirements
@@ -85,9 +85,10 @@ You now need to follow these instructions to install kirinOS:
* Run `npm install electron` to reinstall the kirinOS core for the correct CPU architecture (by default it is installed for x86)
* Run `chmod +x`, and then `./`
* You are now installing the required dependencies and configuring your Debian installation to run kirinOS. This will take a while, so take a break while it's working
+ * You might get a few error messages about services not being found, this is normal.
* Once everything is done, open /etc/network/interfaces (`nano /etc/network/interfaces`) and remove the lines related to the primary network interface (usually starts with `enp0s`), then press Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q to save and quit
* Run `/sbin/reboot` to restart the system
-* If the screen turns orange shortly after starting up, you have reached the first stage of the kirinOS startup process
+* If the screen turns green shortly after starting up, you have reached the first stage of the kirinOS startup process
* The screen may flicker a few times during the rest of the boot process
* If you want technical details, the screen will flicker between each state of the boot process. Stage 1 is when the orange screen appears, stage 2 is when the screen resolution is set properly, and stage 3 is when the GUI is loaded
* Once the "Welcome to kirinOS" message appears, your system is installed properly
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 2276263..b5c4f02 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -53,9 +53,10 @@ You now need to follow these instructions to install kirinOS:
* Run `cd /kirin`
* Run `chmod +x`, and then `./`
* You are now installing the required dependencies and configuring your Debian installation to run kirinOS. This will take a while, so take a break while it's working
+ * You might get a few error messages about services not being found, this is normal.
* Once everything is done, open /etc/network/interfaces (`nano /etc/network/interfaces`) and remove the lines related to the primary network interface (usually starts with `enp0s`), then press Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q to save and quit
* Run `/sbin/reboot` to restart the system
-* If the screen turns orange shortly after starting up, you have reached the first stage of the kirinOS startup process
+* If the screen turns green shortly after starting up, you have reached the first stage of the kirinOS startup process
* The screen may flicker a few times during the rest of the boot process
* If you want technical details, the screen will flicker between each state of the boot process. Stage 1 is when the orange screen appears, stage 2 is when the screen resolution is set properly, and stage 3 is when the GUI is loaded
* Once the "Welcome to kirinOS" message appears, your system is installed properly
diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
index 32916d1..1b519d8 100644
--- a/main.js
+++ b/main.js
@@ -38,51 +38,47 @@ const createWindow = () => {
- globalShortcut.register('Alt+Shift+Tab', () => {
- mainWindow.send("switchBack");
- });
- globalShortcut.register('Alt+Tab', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['Alt+Tab', 'Alt+Shift+Tab', 'Ctrl+Alt+Tab', 'Meta+Tab'], () => {
- globalShortcut.register('Ctrl+Alt+Tab', () => {
- mainWindow.send("switch");
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['Alt+F4', 'Meta+F4', 'Ctrl+Q'], () => {
+ mainWindow.send("close");
- globalShortcut.register('Alt+F4', () => {
- mainWindow.send("close");
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['Alt+Shift+F4', 'Meta+Shift+F4', 'Ctrl+Shift+Q'], () => {
+ mainWindow.send("forceQuit");
globalShortcut.register('Alt+Space', () => {
- globalShortcut.register('Meta+D', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['Super+D', 'Meta+D', 'Alt+D'], () => {
- globalShortcut.register('Super+D', () => {
- mainWindow.send("desktop");
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['Ctrl+Alt+Delete', 'Meta+Alt+Delete'], () => {
+ mainWindow.send("emergency");
- globalShortcut.register('VolumeUp', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['VolumeUp', 'Meta+Shift+Up', 'Alt+Shift+Up'], () => {
mainWindow.send("mediakey", "VolumeUp");
- globalShortcut.register('VolumeDown', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['VolumeDown', 'Meta+Shift+Down', 'Alt+Shift+Down'], () => {
mainWindow.send("mediakey", "VolumeDown");
- globalShortcut.register('BrightnessUp', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['BrightnessUp', 'Meta+Ctrl+Up', 'Ctrl+Alt+Up'], () => {
mainWindow.send("mediakey", "BrightnessUp");
- globalShortcut.register('BrightnessDown', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['BrightnessDown', 'Meta+Ctrl+Down', 'Ctrl+Alt+Down'], () => {
mainWindow.send("mediakey", "BrightnessDown");
- globalShortcut.register('VolumeMute', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['VolumeMute', 'Meta+Shift+Space', 'Alt+Shift+Space'], () => {
mainWindow.send("mediakey", "VolumeMute");
@@ -102,29 +98,9 @@ const createWindow = () => {
mainWindow.send("mediakey", "MediaPlayPause");
- globalShortcut.register('PrintScreen', () => {
+ globalShortcut.registerAll(['PrintScreen', 'Meta+Shift+S', 'Alt+Shift+S'], () => {
mainWindow.send("mediakey", "PrintScreen");
- globalShortcut.register('Meta+E', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Super+E', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Meta+F1', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Super+F1', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Meta+F2', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Super+F2', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Meta+F3', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Super+F3', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Meta+F4', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Super+F4', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Ctrl+Alt+Right', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Ctrl+Alt+Left', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Ctrl+Alt+Up', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Ctrl+Alt+Down', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Shift+Alt+Right', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Shift+Alt+Left', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Shift+Alt+Up', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Shift+Alt+Down', () => {});
- globalShortcut.register('Alt+Esc', () => {});
app.whenReady().then(() => {