path: root/client/node_modules/domino/lib/select.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'client/node_modules/domino/lib/select.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 933 deletions
diff --git a/client/node_modules/domino/lib/select.js b/client/node_modules/domino/lib/select.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a36f851..0000000
--- a/client/node_modules/domino/lib/select.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,933 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-/* jshint eqnull: true */
- * Zest (
- * A css selector engine.
- * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT Licensed)
- * Domino version based on Zest v0.1.3 with bugfixes applied.
- */
- * Helpers
- */
-var window = Object.create(null, {
- location: { get: function() {
- throw new Error('window.location is not supported.');
- } }
-var compareDocumentPosition = function(a, b) {
- return a.compareDocumentPosition(b);
-var order = function(a, b) {
- /* jshint bitwise: false */
- return compareDocumentPosition(a, b) & 2 ? 1 : -1;
-var next = function(el) {
- while ((el = el.nextSibling)
- && el.nodeType !== 1);
- return el;
-var prev = function(el) {
- while ((el = el.previousSibling)
- && el.nodeType !== 1);
- return el;
-var child = function(el) {
- /*jshint -W084 */
- if (el = el.firstChild) {
- while (el.nodeType !== 1
- && (el = el.nextSibling));
- }
- return el;
-var lastChild = function(el) {
- /*jshint -W084 */
- if (el = el.lastChild) {
- while (el.nodeType !== 1
- && (el = el.previousSibling));
- }
- return el;
-var parentIsElement = function(n) {
- if (!n.parentNode) { return false; }
- var nodeType = n.parentNode.nodeType;
- // The root `html` element can be a first- or last-child, too.
- return nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9;
-var unquote = function(str) {
- if (!str) return str;
- var ch = str[0];
- if (ch === '"' || ch === '\'') {
- if (str[str.length-1] === ch) {
- str = str.slice(1, -1);
- } else {
- // bad string.
- str = str.slice(1);
- }
- return str.replace(rules.str_escape, function(s) {
- var m = /^\\(?:([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|([\r\n\f]+))/.exec(s);
- if (!m) { return s.slice(1); }
- if (m[2]) { return ''; /* escaped newlines are ignored in strings. */ }
- var cp = parseInt(m[1], 16);
- return String.fromCodePoint ? String.fromCodePoint(cp) :
- // Not all JavaScript implementations have String.fromCodePoint yet.
- String.fromCharCode(cp);
- });
- } else if (rules.ident.test(str)) {
- return decodeid(str);
- } else {
- return str;
- }
-var decodeid = function(str) {
- return str.replace(rules.escape, function(s) {
- var m = /^\\([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/.exec(s);
- if (!m) { return s[1]; }
- var cp = parseInt(m[1], 16);
- return String.fromCodePoint ? String.fromCodePoint(cp) :
- // Not all JavaScript implementations have String.fromCodePoint yet.
- String.fromCharCode(cp);
- });
-var indexOf = (function() {
- if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
- return Array.prototype.indexOf;
- }
- return function(obj, item) {
- var i = this.length;
- while (i--) {
- if (this[i] === item) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- };
-var makeInside = function(start, end) {
- var regex = rules.inside.source
- .replace(/</g, start)
- .replace(/>/g, end);
- return new RegExp(regex);
-var replace = function(regex, name, val) {
- regex = regex.source;
- regex = regex.replace(name, val.source || val);
- return new RegExp(regex);
-var truncateUrl = function(url, num) {
- return url
- .replace(/^(?:\w+:\/\/|\/+)/, '')
- .replace(/(?:\/+|\/*#.*?)$/, '')
- .split('/', num)
- .join('/');
- * Handle `nth` Selectors
- */
-var parseNth = function(param_, test) {
- var param = param_.replace(/\s+/g, '')
- , cap;
- if (param === 'even') {
- param = '2n+0';
- } else if (param === 'odd') {
- param = '2n+1';
- } else if (param.indexOf('n') === -1) {
- param = '0n' + param;
- }
- cap = /^([+-])?(\d+)?n([+-])?(\d+)?$/.exec(param);
- return {
- group: cap[1] === '-'
- ? -(cap[2] || 1)
- : +(cap[2] || 1),
- offset: cap[4]
- ? (cap[3] === '-' ? -cap[4] : +cap[4])
- : 0
- };
-var nth = function(param_, test, last) {
- var param = parseNth(param_)
- , group =
- , offset = param.offset
- , find = !last ? child : lastChild
- , advance = !last ? next : prev;
- return function(el) {
- if (!parentIsElement(el)) return;
- var rel = find(el.parentNode)
- , pos = 0;
- while (rel) {
- if (test(rel, el)) pos++;
- if (rel === el) {
- pos -= offset;
- return group && pos
- ? (pos % group) === 0 && (pos < 0 === group < 0)
- : !pos;
- }
- rel = advance(rel);
- }
- };
- * Simple Selectors
- */
-var selectors = {
- '*': (function() {
- if (false/*function() {
- var el = document.createElement('div');
- el.appendChild(document.createComment(''));
- return !!el.getElementsByTagName('*')[0];
- }()*/) {
- return function(el) {
- if (el.nodeType === 1) return true;
- };
- }
- return function() {
- return true;
- };
- })(),
- 'type': function(type) {
- type = type.toLowerCase();
- return function(el) {
- return el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === type;
- };
- },
- 'attr': function(key, op, val, i) {
- op = operators[op];
- return function(el) {
- var attr;
- switch (key) {
- case 'for':
- attr = el.htmlFor;
- break;
- case 'class':
- // className is '' when non-existent
- // getAttribute('class') is null
- attr = el.className;
- if (attr === '' && el.getAttribute('class') == null) {
- attr = null;
- }
- break;
- case 'href':
- case 'src':
- attr = el.getAttribute(key, 2);
- break;
- case 'title':
- // getAttribute('title') can be '' when non-existent sometimes?
- attr = el.getAttribute('title') || null;
- break;
- // careful with attributes with special getter functions
- case 'id':
- case 'lang':
- case 'dir':
- case 'accessKey':
- case 'hidden':
- case 'tabIndex':
- case 'style':
- if (el.getAttribute) {
- attr = el.getAttribute(key);
- break;
- }
- /* falls through */
- default:
- if (el.hasAttribute && !el.hasAttribute(key)) {
- break;
- }
- attr = el[key] != null
- ? el[key]
- : el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute(key);
- break;
- }
- if (attr == null) return;
- attr = attr + '';
- if (i) {
- attr = attr.toLowerCase();
- val = val.toLowerCase();
- }
- return op(attr, val);
- };
- },
- ':first-child': function(el) {
- return !prev(el) && parentIsElement(el);
- },
- ':last-child': function(el) {
- return !next(el) && parentIsElement(el);
- },
- ':only-child': function(el) {
- return !prev(el) && !next(el) && parentIsElement(el);
- },
- ':nth-child': function(param, last) {
- return nth(param, function() {
- return true;
- }, last);
- },
- ':nth-last-child': function(param) {
- return selectors[':nth-child'](param, true);
- },
- ':root': function(el) {
- return el.ownerDocument.documentElement === el;
- },
- ':empty': function(el) {
- return !el.firstChild;
- },
- ':not': function(sel) {
- var test = compileGroup(sel);
- return function(el) {
- return !test(el);
- };
- },
- ':first-of-type': function(el) {
- if (!parentIsElement(el)) return;
- var type = el.nodeName;
- /*jshint -W084 */
- while (el = prev(el)) {
- if (el.nodeName === type) return;
- }
- return true;
- },
- ':last-of-type': function(el) {
- if (!parentIsElement(el)) return;
- var type = el.nodeName;
- /*jshint -W084 */
- while (el = next(el)) {
- if (el.nodeName === type) return;
- }
- return true;
- },
- ':only-of-type': function(el) {
- return selectors[':first-of-type'](el)
- && selectors[':last-of-type'](el);
- },
- ':nth-of-type': function(param, last) {
- return nth(param, function(rel, el) {
- return rel.nodeName === el.nodeName;
- }, last);
- },
- ':nth-last-of-type': function(param) {
- return selectors[':nth-of-type'](param, true);
- },
- ':checked': function(el) {
- return !!(el.checked || el.selected);
- },
- ':indeterminate': function(el) {
- return !selectors[':checked'](el);
- },
- ':enabled': function(el) {
- return !el.disabled && el.type !== 'hidden';
- },
- ':disabled': function(el) {
- return !!el.disabled;
- },
- ':target': function(el) {
- return === window.location.hash.substring(1);
- },
- ':focus': function(el) {
- return el === el.ownerDocument.activeElement;
- },
- ':is': function(sel) {
- return compileGroup(sel);
- },
- // :matches is an older name for :is; see
- //
- ':matches': function(sel) {
- return selectors[':is'](sel);
- },
- ':nth-match': function(param, last) {
- var args = param.split(/\s*,\s*/)
- , arg = args.shift()
- , test = compileGroup(args.join(','));
- return nth(arg, test, last);
- },
- ':nth-last-match': function(param) {
- return selectors[':nth-match'](param, true);
- },
- ':links-here': function(el) {
- return el + '' === window.location + '';
- },
- ':lang': function(param) {
- return function(el) {
- while (el) {
- if (el.lang) return el.lang.indexOf(param) === 0;
- el = el.parentNode;
- }
- };
- },
- ':dir': function(param) {
- return function(el) {
- while (el) {
- if (el.dir) return el.dir === param;
- el = el.parentNode;
- }
- };
- },
- ':scope': function(el, con) {
- var context = con || el.ownerDocument;
- if (context.nodeType === 9) {
- return el === context.documentElement;
- }
- return el === context;
- },
- ':any-link': function(el) {
- return typeof el.href === 'string';
- },
- ':local-link': function(el) {
- if (el.nodeName) {
- return el.href && ===;
- }
- var param = +el + 1;
- return function(el) {
- if (!el.href) return;
- var url = window.location + ''
- , href = el + '';
- return truncateUrl(url, param) === truncateUrl(href, param);
- };
- },
- ':default': function(el) {
- return !!el.defaultSelected;
- },
- ':valid': function(el) {
- return el.willValidate || (el.validity && el.validity.valid);
- },
- ':invalid': function(el) {
- return !selectors[':valid'](el);
- },
- ':in-range': function(el) {
- return el.value > el.min && el.value <= el.max;
- },
- ':out-of-range': function(el) {
- return !selectors[':in-range'](el);
- },
- ':required': function(el) {
- return !!el.required;
- },
- ':optional': function(el) {
- return !el.required;
- },
- ':read-only': function(el) {
- if (el.readOnly) return true;
- var attr = el.getAttribute('contenteditable')
- , prop = el.contentEditable
- , name = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- name = name !== 'input' && name !== 'textarea';
- return (name || el.disabled) && attr == null && prop !== 'true';
- },
- ':read-write': function(el) {
- return !selectors[':read-only'](el);
- },
- ':hover': function() {
- throw new Error(':hover is not supported.');
- },
- ':active': function() {
- throw new Error(':active is not supported.');
- },
- ':link': function() {
- throw new Error(':link is not supported.');
- },
- ':visited': function() {
- throw new Error(':visited is not supported.');
- },
- ':column': function() {
- throw new Error(':column is not supported.');
- },
- ':nth-column': function() {
- throw new Error(':nth-column is not supported.');
- },
- ':nth-last-column': function() {
- throw new Error(':nth-last-column is not supported.');
- },
- ':current': function() {
- throw new Error(':current is not supported.');
- },
- ':past': function() {
- throw new Error(':past is not supported.');
- },
- ':future': function() {
- throw new Error(':future is not supported.');
- },
- // Non-standard, for compatibility purposes.
- ':contains': function(param) {
- return function(el) {
- var text = el.innerText || el.textContent || el.value || '';
- return text.indexOf(param) !== -1;
- };
- },
- ':has': function(param) {
- return function(el) {
- return find(param, el).length > 0;
- };
- }
- // Potentially add more pseudo selectors for
- // compatibility with sizzle and most other
- // selector engines (?).
- * Attribute Operators
- */
-var operators = {
- '-': function() {
- return true;
- },
- '=': function(attr, val) {
- return attr === val;
- },
- '*=': function(attr, val) {
- return attr.indexOf(val) !== -1;
- },
- '~=': function(attr, val) {
- var i
- , s
- , f
- , l;
- for (s = 0; true; s = i + 1) {
- i = attr.indexOf(val, s);
- if (i === -1) return false;
- f = attr[i - 1];
- l = attr[i + val.length];
- if ((!f || f === ' ') && (!l || l === ' ')) return true;
- }
- },
- '|=': function(attr, val) {
- var i = attr.indexOf(val)
- , l;
- if (i !== 0) return;
- l = attr[i + val.length];
- return l === '-' || !l;
- },
- '^=': function(attr, val) {
- return attr.indexOf(val) === 0;
- },
- '$=': function(attr, val) {
- var i = attr.lastIndexOf(val);
- return i !== -1 && i + val.length === attr.length;
- },
- // non-standard
- '!=': function(attr, val) {
- return attr !== val;
- }
- * Combinator Logic
- */
-var combinators = {
- ' ': function(test) {
- return function(el) {
- /*jshint -W084 */
- while (el = el.parentNode) {
- if (test(el)) return el;
- }
- };
- },
- '>': function(test) {
- return function(el) {
- /*jshint -W084 */
- if (el = el.parentNode) {
- return test(el) && el;
- }
- };
- },
- '+': function(test) {
- return function(el) {
- /*jshint -W084 */
- if (el = prev(el)) {
- return test(el) && el;
- }
- };
- },
- '~': function(test) {
- return function(el) {
- /*jshint -W084 */
- while (el = prev(el)) {
- if (test(el)) return el;
- }
- };
- },
- 'noop': function(test) {
- return function(el) {
- return test(el) && el;
- };
- },
- 'ref': function(test, name) {
- var node;
- function ref(el) {
- var doc = el.ownerDocument
- , nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('*')
- , i = nodes.length;
- while (i--) {
- node = nodes[i];
- if (ref.test(el)) {
- node = null;
- return true;
- }
- }
- node = null;
- }
- ref.combinator = function(el) {
- if (!node || !node.getAttribute) return;
- var attr = node.getAttribute(name) || '';
- if (attr[0] === '#') attr = attr.substring(1);
- if (attr === && test(node)) {
- return node;
- }
- };
- return ref;
- }
- * Grammar
- */
-var rules = {
- escape: /\\(?:[^0-9A-Fa-f\r\n]|[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6}[\r\n\t ]?)/g,
- str_escape: /(escape)|\\(\n|\r\n?|\f)/g,
- nonascii: /[\u00A0-\uFFFF]/,
- cssid: /(?:(?!-?[0-9])(?:escape|nonascii|[-_a-zA-Z0-9])+)/,
- qname: /^ *(cssid|\*)/,
- simple: /^(?:([.#]cssid)|pseudo|attr)/,
- ref: /^ *\/(cssid)\/ */,
- combinator: /^(?: +([^ \w*.#\\]) +|( )+|([^ \w*.#\\]))(?! *$)/,
- attr: /^\[(cssid)(?:([^\w]?=)(inside))?\]/,
- pseudo: /^(:cssid)(?:\((inside)\))?/,
- inside: /(?:"(?:\\"|[^"])*"|'(?:\\'|[^'])*'|<[^"'>]*>|\\["'>]|[^"'>])*/,
- ident: /^(cssid)$/
-rules.cssid = replace(rules.cssid, 'nonascii', rules.nonascii);
-rules.cssid = replace(rules.cssid, 'escape', rules.escape);
-rules.qname = replace(rules.qname, 'cssid', rules.cssid);
-rules.simple = replace(rules.simple, 'cssid', rules.cssid);
-rules.ref = replace(rules.ref, 'cssid', rules.cssid);
-rules.attr = replace(rules.attr, 'cssid', rules.cssid);
-rules.pseudo = replace(rules.pseudo, 'cssid', rules.cssid);
-rules.inside = replace(rules.inside, '[^"\'>]*', rules.inside);
-rules.attr = replace(rules.attr, 'inside', makeInside('\\[', '\\]'));
-rules.pseudo = replace(rules.pseudo, 'inside', makeInside('\\(', '\\)'));
-rules.simple = replace(rules.simple, 'pseudo', rules.pseudo);
-rules.simple = replace(rules.simple, 'attr', rules.attr);
-rules.ident = replace(rules.ident, 'cssid', rules.cssid);
-rules.str_escape = replace(rules.str_escape, 'escape', rules.escape);
- * Compiling
- */
-var compile = function(sel_) {
- var sel = sel_.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
- , test
- , filter = []
- , buff = []
- , subject
- , qname
- , cap
- , op
- , ref;
- /*jshint -W084 */
- while (sel) {
- if (cap = rules.qname.exec(sel)) {
- sel = sel.substring(cap[0].length);
- qname = decodeid(cap[1]);
- buff.push(tok(qname, true));
- } else if (cap = rules.simple.exec(sel)) {
- sel = sel.substring(cap[0].length);
- qname = '*';
- buff.push(tok(qname, true));
- buff.push(tok(cap));
- } else {
- throw new SyntaxError('Invalid selector.');
- }
- while (cap = rules.simple.exec(sel)) {
- sel = sel.substring(cap[0].length);
- buff.push(tok(cap));
- }
- if (sel[0] === '!') {
- sel = sel.substring(1);
- subject = makeSubject();
- subject.qname = qname;
- buff.push(subject.simple);
- }
- if (cap = rules.ref.exec(sel)) {
- sel = sel.substring(cap[0].length);
- ref = combinators.ref(makeSimple(buff), decodeid(cap[1]));
- filter.push(ref.combinator);
- buff = [];
- continue;
- }
- if (cap = rules.combinator.exec(sel)) {
- sel = sel.substring(cap[0].length);
- op = cap[1] || cap[2] || cap[3];
- if (op === ',') {
- filter.push(combinators.noop(makeSimple(buff)));
- break;
- }
- } else {
- op = 'noop';
- }
- if (!combinators[op]) { throw new SyntaxError('Bad combinator.'); }
- filter.push(combinators[op](makeSimple(buff)));
- buff = [];
- }
- test = makeTest(filter);
- test.qname = qname;
- test.sel = sel;
- if (subject) {
- subject.lname = test.qname;
- subject.test = test;
- subject.qname = subject.qname;
- subject.sel = test.sel;
- test = subject;
- }
- if (ref) {
- ref.test = test;
- ref.qname = test.qname;
- ref.sel = test.sel;
- test = ref;
- }
- return test;
-var tok = function(cap, qname) {
- // qname
- if (qname) {
- return cap === '*'
- ? selectors['*']
- : selectors.type(cap);
- }
- // class/id
- if (cap[1]) {
- return cap[1][0] === '.'
- // XXX unescape here? or in attr?
- ? selectors.attr('class', '~=', decodeid(cap[1].substring(1)), false)
- : selectors.attr('id', '=', decodeid(cap[1].substring(1)), false);
- }
- // pseudo-name
- // inside-pseudo
- if (cap[2]) {
- return cap[3]
- ? selectors[decodeid(cap[2])](unquote(cap[3]))
- : selectors[decodeid(cap[2])];
- }
- // attr name
- // attr op
- // attr value
- if (cap[4]) {
- var value = cap[6];
- var i = /["'\s]\s*I$/i.test(value);
- if (i) {
- value = value.replace(/\s*I$/i, '');
- }
- return selectors.attr(decodeid(cap[4]), cap[5] || '-', unquote(value), i);
- }
- throw new SyntaxError('Unknown Selector.');
-var makeSimple = function(func) {
- var l = func.length
- , i;
- // Potentially make sure
- // `el` is truthy.
- if (l < 2) return func[0];
- return function(el) {
- if (!el) return;
- for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- if (!func[i](el)) return;
- }
- return true;
- };
-var makeTest = function(func) {
- if (func.length < 2) {
- return function(el) {
- return !!func[0](el);
- };
- }
- return function(el) {
- var i = func.length;
- while (i--) {
- if (!(el = func[i](el))) return;
- }
- return true;
- };
-var makeSubject = function() {
- var target;
- function subject(el) {
- var node = el.ownerDocument
- , scope = node.getElementsByTagName(subject.lname)
- , i = scope.length;
- while (i--) {
- if (subject.test(scope[i]) && target === el) {
- target = null;
- return true;
- }
- }
- target = null;
- }
- subject.simple = function(el) {
- target = el;
- return true;
- };
- return subject;
-var compileGroup = function(sel) {
- var test = compile(sel)
- , tests = [ test ];
- while (test.sel) {
- test = compile(test.sel);
- tests.push(test);
- }
- if (tests.length < 2) return test;
- return function(el) {
- var l = tests.length
- , i = 0;
- for (; i < l; i++) {
- if (tests[i](el)) return true;
- }
- };
- * Selection
- */
-var find = function(sel, node) {
- var results = []
- , test = compile(sel)
- , scope = node.getElementsByTagName(test.qname)
- , i = 0
- , el;
- /*jshint -W084 */
- while (el = scope[i++]) {
- if (test(el)) results.push(el);
- }
- if (test.sel) {
- while (test.sel) {
- test = compile(test.sel);
- scope = node.getElementsByTagName(test.qname);
- i = 0;
- /*jshint -W084 */
- while (el = scope[i++]) {
- if (test(el) &&, el) === -1) {
- results.push(el);
- }
- }
- }
- results.sort(order);
- }
- return results;
- * Expose
- */
-module.exports = exports = function(sel, context) {
- /* when context isn't a DocumentFragment and the selector is simple: */
- var id, r;
- if (context.nodeType !== 11 && sel.indexOf(' ') === -1) {
- if (sel[0] === '#' && context.rooted && /^#[A-Z_][-A-Z0-9_]*$/i.test(sel)) {
- if (context.doc._hasMultipleElementsWithId) {
- id = sel.substring(1);
- if (!context.doc._hasMultipleElementsWithId(id)) {
- r = context.doc.getElementById(id);
- return r ? [r] : [];
- }
- }
- }
- if (sel[0] === '.' && /^\.\w+$/.test(sel)) {
- return context.getElementsByClassName(sel.substring(1));
- }
- if (/^\w+$/.test(sel)) {
- return context.getElementsByTagName(sel);
- }
- }
- /* do things the hard/slow way */
- return find(sel, context);
-exports.selectors = selectors;
-exports.operators = operators;
-exports.combinators = combinators;
-exports.matches = function(el, sel) {
- var test = { sel: sel };
- do {
- test = compile(test.sel);
- if (test(el)) { return true; }
- } while (test.sel);
- return false;