path: root/client/node_modules/@types/node/repl.d.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'client/node_modules/@types/node/repl.d.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/client/node_modules/@types/node/repl.d.ts b/client/node_modules/@types/node/repl.d.ts
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- * The `repl` module provides a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) implementation that
- * is available both as a standalone program or includible in other applications.
- * It can be accessed using:
- *
- * ```js
- * const repl = require('repl');
- * ```
- * @see [source](
- */
-declare module 'repl' {
- import { Interface, Completer, AsyncCompleter } from 'node:readline';
- import { Context } from 'node:vm';
- import { InspectOptions } from 'node:util';
- interface ReplOptions {
- /**
- * The input prompt to display.
- * @default "> "
- */
- prompt?: string | undefined;
- /**
- * The `Readable` stream from which REPL input will be read.
- * @default process.stdin
- */
- input?: NodeJS.ReadableStream | undefined;
- /**
- * The `Writable` stream to which REPL output will be written.
- * @default process.stdout
- */
- output?: NodeJS.WritableStream | undefined;
- /**
- * If `true`, specifies that the output should be treated as a TTY terminal, and have
- * ANSI/VT100 escape codes written to it.
- * Default: checking the value of the `isTTY` property on the output stream upon
- * instantiation.
- */
- terminal?: boolean | undefined;
- /**
- * The function to be used when evaluating each given line of input.
- * Default: an async wrapper for the JavaScript `eval()` function. An `eval` function can
- * error with `repl.Recoverable` to indicate the input was incomplete and prompt for
- * additional lines.
- *
- * @see
- * @see
- */
- eval?: REPLEval | undefined;
- /**
- * Defines if the repl prints output previews or not.
- * @default `true` Always `false` in case `terminal` is falsy.
- */
- preview?: boolean | undefined;
- /**
- * If `true`, specifies that the default `writer` function should include ANSI color
- * styling to REPL output. If a custom `writer` function is provided then this has no
- * effect.
- * Default: the REPL instance's `terminal` value.
- */
- useColors?: boolean | undefined;
- /**
- * If `true`, specifies that the default evaluation function will use the JavaScript
- * `global` as the context as opposed to creating a new separate context for the REPL
- * instance. The node CLI REPL sets this value to `true`.
- * Default: `false`.
- */
- useGlobal?: boolean | undefined;
- /**
- * If `true`, specifies that the default writer will not output the return value of a
- * command if it evaluates to `undefined`.
- * Default: `false`.
- */
- ignoreUndefined?: boolean | undefined;
- /**
- * The function to invoke to format the output of each command before writing to `output`.
- * Default: a wrapper for `util.inspect`.
- *
- * @see
- */
- writer?: REPLWriter | undefined;
- /**
- * An optional function used for custom Tab auto completion.
- *
- * @see
- */
- completer?: Completer | AsyncCompleter | undefined;
- /**
- * A flag that specifies whether the default evaluator executes all JavaScript commands in
- * strict mode or default (sloppy) mode.
- * Accepted values are:
- * - `repl.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` - evaluates expressions in sloppy mode.
- * - `repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT` - evaluates expressions in strict mode. This is equivalent to
- * prefacing every repl statement with `'use strict'`.
- */
- replMode?: typeof REPL_MODE_SLOPPY | typeof REPL_MODE_STRICT | undefined;
- /**
- * Stop evaluating the current piece of code when `SIGINT` is received, i.e. `Ctrl+C` is
- * pressed. This cannot be used together with a custom `eval` function.
- * Default: `false`.
- */
- breakEvalOnSigint?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- type REPLEval = (this: REPLServer, evalCmd: string, context: Context, file: string, cb: (err: Error | null, result: any) => void) => void;
- type REPLWriter = (this: REPLServer, obj: any) => string;
- /**
- * This is the default "writer" value, if none is passed in the REPL options,
- * and it can be overridden by custom print functions.
- */
- const writer: REPLWriter & {
- options: InspectOptions;
- };
- type REPLCommandAction = (this: REPLServer, text: string) => void;
- interface REPLCommand {
- /**
- * Help text to be displayed when `.help` is entered.
- */
- help?: string | undefined;
- /**
- * The function to execute, optionally accepting a single string argument.
- */
- action: REPLCommandAction;
- }
- /**
- * Instances of `repl.REPLServer` are created using the {@link start} method
- * or directly using the JavaScript `new` keyword.
- *
- * ```js
- * const repl = require('repl');
- *
- * const options = { useColors: true };
- *
- * const firstInstance = repl.start(options);
- * const secondInstance = new repl.REPLServer(options);
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.91
- */
- class REPLServer extends Interface {
- /**
- * The `vm.Context` provided to the `eval` function to be used for JavaScript
- * evaluation.
- */
- readonly context: Context;
- /**
- * @deprecated since v14.3.0 - Use `input` instead.
- */
- readonly inputStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
- /**
- * @deprecated since v14.3.0 - Use `output` instead.
- */
- readonly outputStream: NodeJS.WritableStream;
- /**
- * The `Readable` stream from which REPL input will be read.
- */
- readonly input: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
- /**
- * The `Writable` stream to which REPL output will be written.
- */
- readonly output: NodeJS.WritableStream;
- /**
- * The commands registered via `replServer.defineCommand()`.
- */
- readonly commands: NodeJS.ReadOnlyDict<REPLCommand>;
- /**
- * A value indicating whether the REPL is currently in "editor mode".
- *
- * @see
- */
- readonly editorMode: boolean;
- /**
- * A value indicating whether the `_` variable has been assigned.
- *
- * @see
- */
- readonly underscoreAssigned: boolean;
- /**
- * The last evaluation result from the REPL (assigned to the `_` variable inside of the REPL).
- *
- * @see
- */
- readonly last: any;
- /**
- * A value indicating whether the `_error` variable has been assigned.
- *
- * @since v9.8.0
- * @see
- */
- readonly underscoreErrAssigned: boolean;
- /**
- * The last error raised inside the REPL (assigned to the `_error` variable inside of the REPL).
- *
- * @since v9.8.0
- * @see
- */
- readonly lastError: any;
- /**
- * Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to be used when evaluating each
- * given line of input. If not specified in the REPL options, this is an async wrapper
- * for the JavaScript `eval()` function.
- */
- readonly eval: REPLEval;
- /**
- * Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default
- * `writer` function should include ANSI color styling to REPL output.
- */
- readonly useColors: boolean;
- /**
- * Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default `eval`
- * function will use the JavaScript `global` as the context as opposed to creating a new
- * separate context for the REPL instance.
- */
- readonly useGlobal: boolean;
- /**
- * Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default `writer`
- * function should output the result of a command if it evaluates to `undefined`.
- */
- readonly ignoreUndefined: boolean;
- /**
- * Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to invoke to format the output of
- * each command before writing to `outputStream`. If not specified in the REPL options,
- * this will be a wrapper for `util.inspect`.
- */
- readonly writer: REPLWriter;
- /**
- * Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to use for custom Tab auto-completion.
- */
- readonly completer: Completer | AsyncCompleter;
- /**
- * Specified in the REPL options, this is a flag that specifies whether the default `eval`
- * function should execute all JavaScript commands in strict mode or default (sloppy) mode.
- * Possible values are:
- * - `repl.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` - evaluates expressions in sloppy mode.
- * - `repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT` - evaluates expressions in strict mode. This is equivalent to
- * prefacing every repl statement with `'use strict'`.
- */
- readonly replMode: typeof REPL_MODE_SLOPPY | typeof REPL_MODE_STRICT;
- /**
- * NOTE: According to the documentation:
- *
- * > Instances of `repl.REPLServer` are created using the `repl.start()` method and
- * > _should not_ be created directly using the JavaScript `new` keyword.
- *
- * `REPLServer` cannot be subclassed due to implementation specifics in NodeJS.
- *
- * @see
- */
- private constructor();
- /**
- * The `replServer.defineCommand()` method is used to add new `.`\-prefixed commands
- * to the REPL instance. Such commands are invoked by typing a `.` followed by the`keyword`. The `cmd` is either a `Function` or an `Object` with the following
- * properties:
- *
- * The following example shows two new commands added to the REPL instance:
- *
- * ```js
- * const repl = require('repl');
- *
- * const replServer = repl.start({ prompt: '> ' });
- * replServer.defineCommand('sayhello', {
- * help: 'Say hello',
- * action(name) {
- * this.clearBufferedCommand();
- * console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
- * this.displayPrompt();
- * }
- * });
- * replServer.defineCommand('saybye', function saybye() {
- * console.log('Goodbye!');
- * this.close();
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The new commands can then be used from within the REPL instance:
- *
- * ```console
- * > .sayhello Node.js User
- * Hello, Node.js User!
- * > .saybye
- * Goodbye!
- * ```
- * @since v0.3.0
- * @param keyword The command keyword (_without_ a leading `.` character).
- * @param cmd The function to invoke when the command is processed.
- */
- defineCommand(keyword: string, cmd: REPLCommandAction | REPLCommand): void;
- /**
- * The `replServer.displayPrompt()` method readies the REPL instance for input
- * from the user, printing the configured `prompt` to a new line in the `output`and resuming the `input` to accept new input.
- *
- * When multi-line input is being entered, an ellipsis is printed rather than the
- * 'prompt'.
- *
- * When `preserveCursor` is `true`, the cursor placement will not be reset to `0`.
- *
- * The `replServer.displayPrompt` method is primarily intended to be called from
- * within the action function for commands registered using the`replServer.defineCommand()` method.
- * @since v0.1.91
- */
- displayPrompt(preserveCursor?: boolean): void;
- /**
- * The `replServer.clearBufferedCommand()` method clears any command that has been
- * buffered but not yet executed. This method is primarily intended to be
- * called from within the action function for commands registered using the`replServer.defineCommand()` method.
- * @since v9.0.0
- */
- clearBufferedCommand(): void;
- /**
- * Initializes a history log file for the REPL instance. When executing the
- * Node.js binary and using the command-line REPL, a history file is initialized
- * by default. However, this is not the case when creating a REPL
- * programmatically. Use this method to initialize a history log file when working
- * with REPL instances programmatically.
- * @since v11.10.0
- * @param historyPath the path to the history file
- * @param callback called when history writes are ready or upon error
- */
- setupHistory(path: string, callback: (err: Error | null, repl: this) => void): void;
- /**
- * events.EventEmitter
- * 1. close - inherited from `readline.Interface`
- * 2. line - inherited from `readline.Interface`
- * 3. pause - inherited from `readline.Interface`
- * 4. resume - inherited from `readline.Interface`
- * 5. SIGCONT - inherited from `readline.Interface`
- * 6. SIGINT - inherited from `readline.Interface`
- * 7. SIGTSTP - inherited from `readline.Interface`
- * 8. exit
- * 9. reset
- */
- addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'line', listener: (input: string) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'pause', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'resume', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'SIGCONT', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'SIGINT', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'SIGTSTP', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'exit', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'reset', listener: (context: Context) => void): this;
- emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean;
- emit(event: 'close'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'line', input: string): boolean;
- emit(event: 'pause'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'resume'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'SIGCONT'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'SIGINT'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'SIGTSTP'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'exit'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'reset', context: Context): boolean;
- on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- on(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'line', listener: (input: string) => void): this;
- on(event: 'pause', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'resume', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'SIGCONT', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'SIGINT', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'SIGTSTP', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'exit', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'reset', listener: (context: Context) => void): this;
- once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- once(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'line', listener: (input: string) => void): this;
- once(event: 'pause', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'resume', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'SIGCONT', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'SIGINT', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'SIGTSTP', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'exit', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'reset', listener: (context: Context) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'line', listener: (input: string) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'pause', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'resume', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'SIGCONT', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'SIGINT', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'SIGTSTP', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'exit', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'reset', listener: (context: Context) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'line', listener: (input: string) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'pause', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'resume', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'SIGCONT', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'SIGINT', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'SIGTSTP', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'exit', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'reset', listener: (context: Context) => void): this;
- }
- /**
- * A flag passed in the REPL options. Evaluates expressions in sloppy mode.
- */
- const REPL_MODE_SLOPPY: unique symbol;
- /**
- * A flag passed in the REPL options. Evaluates expressions in strict mode.
- * This is equivalent to prefacing every repl statement with `'use strict'`.
- */
- const REPL_MODE_STRICT: unique symbol;
- /**
- * The `repl.start()` method creates and starts a {@link REPLServer} instance.
- *
- * If `options` is a string, then it specifies the input prompt:
- *
- * ```js
- * const repl = require('repl');
- *
- * // a Unix style prompt
- * repl.start('$ ');
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.91
- */
- function start(options?: string | ReplOptions): REPLServer;
- /**
- * Indicates a recoverable error that a `REPLServer` can use to support multi-line input.
- *
- * @see
- */
- class Recoverable extends SyntaxError {
- err: Error;
- constructor(err: Error);
- }
-declare module 'node:repl' {
- export * from 'repl';