path: root/bot/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bot/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bot/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/ b/bot/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c341ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# Script to perform a release of matrix-js-sdk and downstream projects.
+# Requires:
+# jq; install from your distribution's package manager (
+# hub; install via brew (macOS) or source/pre-compiled binaries (debian) ( - Tested on v2.2.9
+# yarn; install via brew (macOS) or similar (
+# Note: this script is also used to release matrix-react-sdk, element-web, and element-desktop.
+set -e
+jq --version > /dev/null || (echo "jq is required: please install it"; kill $$)
+if [[ $(command -v hub) ]] && [[ $(hub --version) =~ hub[[:space:]]version[[:space:]]([0-9]*).([0-9]*) ]]; then
+ if [[ $HUB_VERSION_MAJOR -lt 2 ]] || [[ $HUB_VERSION_MAJOR -eq 2 && $HUB_VERSION_MINOR -lt 5 ]]; then
+ echo "hub version 2.5 is required, you have $HUB_VERSION_MAJOR.$HUB_VERSION_MINOR installed"
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "hub is required: please install it"
+ exit
+yarn --version > /dev/null || (echo "yarn is required: please install it"; kill $$)
+USAGE="$0 [-x] [-c changelog_file] vX.Y.Z"
+help() {
+ cat <<EOF
+ -c changelog_file: specify name of file containing changelog
+ -x: skip updating the changelog
+if ! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD; then
+ echo "this git checkout has staged (uncommitted) changes. Refusing to release."
+ exit
+if ! git diff-files --quiet; then
+ echo "this git checkout has uncommitted changes. Refusing to release."
+ exit
+while getopts hc:x f; do
+ case $f in
+ h)
+ help
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ c)
+ changelog_file="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ x)
+ skip_changelog=1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $USAGE" >&2
+ exit 1
+function check_dependency {
+ local depver=$(cat package.json | jq -r .dependencies[\"$1\"])
+ if [ "$depver" == "null" ]; then return 0; fi
+ echo "Checking version of $1..."
+ local latestver=$(yarn info -s "$1"
+ if [ "$depver" != "$latestver" ]
+ then
+ echo "The latest version of $1 is $latestver but package.json depends on $depver."
+ echo -n "Type 'u' to auto-upgrade, 'c' to continue anyway, or 'a' to abort:"
+ read resp
+ if [ "$resp" != "u" ] && [ "$resp" != "c" ]
+ then
+ echo "Aborting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$resp" == "u" ]
+ then
+ echo "Upgrading $1 to $latestver..."
+ yarn add -E "$1@$latestver"
+ git add -u
+ git commit -m "Upgrade $1 to $latestver"
+ fi
+ fi
+function reset_dependency {
+ local depver=$(cat package.json | jq -r .dependencies[\"$1\"])
+ if [ "$depver" == "null" ]; then return 0; fi
+ echo "Resetting $1 to develop branch..."
+ yarn add "github:matrix-org/$1#develop"
+ git add -u
+ git commit -m "Reset $1 back to develop branch"
+if [ -f release_config.yaml ]; then
+ subprojects=$(cat release_config.yaml | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print(' '.join(list(yaml.load(sys.stdin)['subprojects'].keys())))" 2> /dev/null)
+ if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
+ has_subprojects=1
+ echo "Checking subprojects for upgrades"
+ for proj in $subprojects; do
+ check_dependency "$proj"
+ done
+ fi
+cat package.json | jq '.dependencies[]' | grep -q '#develop' || ret=$?
+if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "package.json contains develop dependencies. Refusing to release."
+ exit
+# We use Git branch / commit dependencies for some packages, and Yarn seems
+# to have a hard time getting that right. See also
+# As a workaround, we clean the
+# global cache here to ensure we get the right thing.
+yarn cache clean
+# Ensure all dependencies are updated
+yarn install --ignore-scripts --frozen-lockfile
+# ignore leading v on release
+# We check if this build is a prerelease by looking to
+# see if the version has a hyphen in it. Crude,
+# but semver doesn't support postreleases so anything
+# with a hyphen is a prerelease.
+echo $release | grep -q '-' && prerelease=1
+if [ $prerelease -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo Making a PRE-RELEASE
+ read -p "Making a FINAL RELEASE, press enter to continue " REPLY
+rel_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
+if [ -z "$skip_changelog" ]; then
+ echo "Generating changelog"
+ yarn run allchange "$release"
+ read -p "Edit $changelog_file manually, or press enter to continue " REPLY
+ if [ -n "$(git ls-files --modified $changelog_file)" ]; then
+ echo "Committing updated changelog"
+ git commit "$changelog_file" -m "Prepare changelog for $tag"
+ fi
+cat "${changelog_file}" | "$(dirname "$0")/scripts/" > "${latest_changes}"
+set -x
+# Bump package.json and build the dist
+echo "yarn version"
+# yarn version will automatically commit its modification
+# and make a release tag. We don't want it to create the tag
+# because it can only sign with the default key, but we can
+# only turn off both of these behaviours, so we have to
+# manually commit the result.
+yarn version --no-git-tag-version --new-version "$release"
+# For the published and dist versions of the package, we copy the
+# `matrix_lib_main` and `matrix_lib_typings` fields to `main` and `typings` (if
+# they exist). This small bit of gymnastics allows us to use the TypeScript
+# source directly for development without needing to build before linting or
+# testing.
+for i in main typings browser
+ lib_value=$(jq -r ".matrix_lib_$i" package.json)
+ if [ "$lib_value" != "null" ]; then
+ jq ".$i = .matrix_lib_$i" package.json > && mv package.json && yarn prettier --write package.json
+ fi
+# commit yarn.lock if it exists, is versioned, and is modified
+if [[ -f yarn.lock && $(git status --porcelain yarn.lock | grep '^ M') ]];
+ pkglock='yarn.lock'
+ pkglock=''
+git commit package.json $pkglock -m "$tag"
+# figure out if we should be signing this release
+if [ -f release_config.yaml ]; then
+ result=$(cat release_config.yaml | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print(yaml.load(sys.stdin)['signing_id'])" 2> /dev/null || true)
+ if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
+ signing_id=$result
+ fi
+# If there is a 'dist' script in the package.json,
+# run it in a separate checkout of the project, then
+# upload any files in the 'dist' directory as release
+# assets.
+# We make a completely separate checkout to be sure
+# we're using released versions of the dependencies
+# (rather than whatever we're pulling in from yarn link)
+jq -e .scripts.dist package.json 2> /dev/null || dodist=$?
+if [ $dodist -eq 0 ]; then
+ projdir=$(pwd)
+ builddir=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir')
+ echo "Building distribution copy in $builddir"
+ pushd "$builddir"
+ git clone "$projdir" .
+ git checkout "$rel_branch"
+ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
+ # We haven't tagged yet, so tell the dist script what version
+ # it's building
+ DIST_VERSION="$tag" yarn dist
+ popd
+ for i in "$builddir"/dist/*; do
+ assets="$assets -a $i"
+ if [ -n "$signing_id" ]
+ then
+ gpg -u "$signing_id" --armor --output "$i".asc --detach-sig "$i"
+ assets="$assets -a $i.asc"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "$signing_id" ]; then
+ # make a signed tag
+ # gnupg seems to fail to get the right tty device unless we set it here
+ GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$signing_id" GPG_TTY=$(tty) git tag -u "$signing_id" -F "${latest_changes}" "$tag"
+ git tag -a -F "${latest_changes}" "$tag"
+# push the tag and the release branch
+git push origin "$rel_branch" "$tag"
+if [ -n "$signing_id" ]; then
+ # make a signature for the source tarball.
+ #
+ # github will make us a tarball from the tag - we want to create a
+ # signature for it, which means that first of all we need to check that
+ # it's correct.
+ #
+ # we can't deterministically build exactly the same tarball, due to
+ # differences in gzip implementation - but we *can* build the same tar - so
+ # the easiest way to check the validity of the tarball from git is to unzip
+ # it and compare it with our own idea of what the tar should look like.
+ # This uses git archive which seems to be what github uses. Specifically,
+ # the header fields are set in the same way: same file mode, uid & gid
+ # both zero and mtime set to the timestamp of the commit that the tag
+ # references. Also note that this puts the commit into the tar headers
+ # and can be extracted with gunzip -c foo.tar.gz | git get-tar-commit-id
+ # the name of the sig file we want to create
+ source_sigfile="${tag}-src.tar.gz.asc"
+ tarfile="$tag.tar.gz"
+ gh_project_url=$(git remote get-url origin |
+ sed -e 's#^git@github\.com:#' \
+ -e 's#^git\+ssh://git@github\.com/#' \
+ -e 's/\.git$//')
+ project_name="${gh_project_url##*/}"
+ curl -L "${gh_project_url}/archive/${tarfile}" -o "${tarfile}"
+ # unzip it and compare it with the tar we would generate
+ if ! cmp --silent <(gunzip -c $tarfile) \
+ <(git archive --format tar --prefix="${project_name}-${release}/" "$tag"); then
+ # we don't bail out here, because really it's more likely that our comparison
+ # screwed up and it's super annoying to abort the script at this point.
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+!!!! WARNING !!!!
+Mismatch between our own tarfile and that generated by github: not signing
+source tarball.
+To resolve, determine if $tarfile is correct, and if so sign it with gpg and
+attach it to the release as $source_sigfile.
+ else
+ gpg -u "$signing_id" --armor --output "$source_sigfile" --detach-sig "$tarfile"
+ assets="$assets -a $source_sigfile"
+ fi
+if [ $prerelease -eq 1 ]; then
+ hubflags='-p'
+echo "$tag" > "${release_text}"
+echo >> "${release_text}"
+cat "${latest_changes}" >> "${release_text}"
+hub release create $hubflags $assets -F "${release_text}" "$tag"
+if [ $dodist -eq 0 ]; then
+ rm -rf "$builddir"
+rm "${release_text}"
+rm "${latest_changes}"
+# if it is a pre-release, leave it on the release branch for now.
+if [ $prerelease -eq 1 ]; then
+ git checkout "$rel_branch"
+ exit 0
+# merge release branch to master
+echo "updating master branch"
+git checkout master
+git pull
+git merge "$rel_branch" --no-edit
+# push master to github
+git push origin master
+# finally, merge master back onto develop (if it exists)
+if [ "$(git branch -lr | grep origin/develop -c)" -ge 1 ]; then
+ git checkout develop
+ git pull
+ git merge master --no-edit
+ git push origin develop
+[ -x ./ ] && ./
+if [ $has_subprojects -eq 1 ] && [ $prerelease -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Resetting subprojects to develop"
+ for proj in $subprojects; do
+ reset_dependency "$proj"
+ done
+ git push origin develop