require('./runtime'); require('./notfound'); const nodePath = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const chalk = require('chalk'); let builtins = require('./builtins'); function yesNo(def) { return new Promise((res) => { process.stdin.setRawMode(true); process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); let listener = (ch, key) => { if (key.sequence === "y" || key.sequence === "Y") { process.stdin.removeListener('keypress', listener); process.stdout.write(key.sequence + "\n"); res(true); } else if (key.sequence === "n" || key.sequence === "N") { process.stdin.removeListener('keypress', listener); process.stdout.write(key.sequence + "\n"); res(false); } else if (key.sequence === "\r" || key.sequence === "\n" || key.sequence === " ") { process.stdin.removeListener('keypress', listener); process.stdout.write("\n"); res(def); } }; process.stdin.addListener('keypress', listener); }); } function substituteVariables(str) { for (let name of Object.keys(global.env)) { str = str.replace(new RegExp("(? { if (i.startsWith("./")) { return i.substring(2).startsWith(start) && i.substring(2).endsWith(end) } else { return i.startsWith(start) && i.endsWith(end) } }); } else { return null; } } } return [parameter]; } function baseParse(str) { let result = []; let regex = /((([\w\-\/_()[\]{}!@$~*.]|\\ )+)|("(.*?)")|('(.*?)'))/g; let groups = [2, 4, 6]; let match; while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { if (match.index === regex.lastIndex) { regex.lastIndex++; } groups.forEach(function(group) { if (match[group]) { result.push(match[group]); } }); } return result; } async function parse(str) { let argv = baseParse(substituteVariables(str)); let command = argv[0]; let parameters = []; let runCommand = true; for (let initial of argv.slice(1).map(i => i.replaceAll("\\", "").replace(/^('|")(.*)('|")$/gm, "$2"))) { let i = initial; let list = [i]; let expend = i.replace(/(.*)(? i.replaceAll("\\*", "*"))); } if (runCommand) { return { command, parameters }; } else { return { command: "abort", parameters: [] }; } } global.processLine = async (str, writeToHistory) => { if (!!str.match(/foreach (.*) {(.*)}/gm)) { if (writeToHistory) historyWrite(str); let parts = str.replace(/foreach (.*) {(.*)}/gm, "$1\t$2").split("\t"); let list = await expendWildcards(parts[0], true); let valueBefore =; for (let item of list) { = item; await processLine(parts[1], false); = valueBefore; } } else if (!!str.match(/forever {(.*)}/gm)) { if (writeToHistory) historyWrite(str); let parts = str.replace(/forever {(.*)}/gm, "$1").split("\t"); while (true) { await processLine(parts[0], false); } } else if (!!str.match(/save (.*) {(.*)}/gm)) { if (writeToHistory) historyWrite(str); let parts = str.replace(/save (.*) {(.*)}/gm, "$1\t$2").split("\t"); let variable = parts[0]; if (variable.trim().replace(/^[a-zA-Z\d_]+$/gm, "") !== "") { error("Variable names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores."); return; } global.env[variable] = await execute(parts[1], false, true); } else { let list = str.split(";").filter(i => i.trim() !== ""); for (let item of list) { await execute(item, writeToHistory); } } } global.execute = async (str, writeToHistory, returnOutput) => { if (writeToHistory) historyWrite(str); let parsed = await parse(str); if (global.parametersToAdd[parsed.command]) { parsed.parameters.unshift([parsed.command]); } if (builtins[parsed.command]) { let output; let out = ""; if (returnOutput) { output = (text) => { out += text + "\n"; } } else { output = (text) => { console.log(text); } } builtins[parsed.command](parsed.parameters, output); if (returnOutput) { return out; } } else { let executable = resolve(parsed.command); if (executable) { if (fs.existsSync(executable)) { if (returnOutput) { let proc = require('child_process').spawnSync(executable, parsed.parameters, { argv0: parsed.command, cwd:, env: global.env, windowsHide: true, windowsVerbatimArguments: true, shell: false, stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "inherit"] }); return proc.stdout; } else { require('child_process').spawnSync(executable, parsed.parameters, { argv0: parsed.command, cwd:, env: global.env, windowsHide: true, windowsVerbatimArguments: true, shell: false, stdio: "inherit" }); } } else { notFound(parsed.command); } } else { notFound(parsed.command); } } }