import machine import micropython from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_PACK import network from network_manager import NetworkManager import uasyncio import time import gc import wakeup BUTTON_DOWN = 11 BUTTON_A = 12 BUTTON_B = 13 BUTTON_C = 14 BUTTON_UP = 15 BUTTON_USER = None # User button not available on W BUTTON_MASK = 0b11111 << 11 SYSTEM_VERY_SLOW = 0 SYSTEM_SLOW = 1 SYSTEM_NORMAL = 2 SYSTEM_FAST = 3 SYSTEM_TURBO = 4 UPDATE_NORMAL = 0 UPDATE_MEDIUM = 1 UPDATE_FAST = 2 UPDATE_TURBO = 3 LED = 22 ENABLE_3V3 = 10 BUSY = 26 WIDTH = 296 HEIGHT = 128 SYSTEM_FREQS = [ 4000000, 12000000, 48000000, 133000000, 250000000 ] BUTTONS = { BUTTON_DOWN: machine.Pin(BUTTON_DOWN, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN), BUTTON_A: machine.Pin(BUTTON_A, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN), BUTTON_B: machine.Pin(BUTTON_B, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN), BUTTON_C: machine.Pin(BUTTON_C, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN), BUTTON_UP: machine.Pin(BUTTON_UP, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN), } WAKEUP_MASK = 0 def woken_by_button(): return wakeup.get_gpio_state() & BUTTON_MASK > 0 def pressed_to_wake(button): return wakeup.get_gpio_state() & (1 << button) > 0 def reset_pressed_to_wake(): wakeup.reset_gpio_state() def pressed_to_wake_get_once(button): global WAKEUP_MASK result = (wakeup.get_gpio_state() & ~WAKEUP_MASK & (1 << button)) > 0 WAKEUP_MASK |= (1 << button) return result def system_speed(speed): try: machine.freq(SYSTEM_FREQS[speed]) except IndexError: pass class Badger2040W(): def __init__(self): self.display = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY_INKY_PACK) self._led = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(LED)) self._led.freq(1000) self._led.duty_u16(0) self._update_speed = 0 def __getattr__(self, item): # Glue to redirect calls to PicoGraphics return getattr(self.display, item) def update(self): t_start = time.ticks_ms() self.display.update() t_elapsed = time.ticks_ms() - t_start delay_ms = [4700, 2600, 900, 250][self._update_speed] if t_elapsed < delay_ms: time.sleep((delay_ms - t_elapsed) / 1000) def set_update_speed(self, speed): self.display.set_update_speed(speed) self._update_speed = speed def led(self, brightness): brightness = max(0, min(255, brightness)) self._led.duty_u16(int(brightness * 256)) def invert(self, invert): raise RuntimeError("Display invert not supported in PicoGraphics.") def thickness(self, thickness): raise RuntimeError("Thickness not supported in PicoGraphics.") def halt(self): time.sleep(0.05) enable = machine.Pin(ENABLE_3V3, machine.Pin.OUT) while not self.pressed_any(): pass def pressed(self, button): return BUTTONS[button].value() == 1 or pressed_to_wake_get_once(button) def pressed_any(self): for button in BUTTONS.values(): if button.value(): return True return False @micropython.native def icon(self, data, index, data_w, icon_size, x, y): s_x = (index * icon_size) % data_w s_y = int((index * icon_size) / data_w) for o_y in range(icon_size): for o_x in range(icon_size): o = ((o_y + s_y) * data_w) + (o_x + s_x) bm = 0b10000000 >> (o & 0b111) if data[o >> 3] & bm: self.display.pixel(x + o_x, y + o_y) def image(self, data, w, h, x, y): for oy in range(h): row = data[oy] for ox in range(w): if row & 0b1 == 0: self.display.pixel(x + ox, y + oy) row >>= 1 def status_handler(self, mode, status, ip): print(mode, status, ip) self.display.set_pen(15) self.display.clear() self.display.set_pen(0) if status: self.display.text("Connected!", 10, 10, 300, 0.5) self.display.text(ip, 10, 30, 300, 0.5) else: self.display.text("Connecting...", 10, 10, 300, 0.5) self.update() def isconnected(self): return network.WLAN(network.STA_IF).isconnected() def ip_address(self): return network.WLAN(network.STA_IF).ifconfig()[0] def connect(self): if WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY == "": raise RuntimeError("You must populate for networking.") self.display.set_update_speed(2) network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY, status_handler=self.status_handler) uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) gc.collect()