import {Faunerie} from "./Faunerie"; import fs from "fs"; import http from "http"; import {IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric} from "./IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric"; import {IncomingMessage, ServerResponse} from "node:http"; export class FaunerieUpdater { private readonly database: Faunerie; constructor(instance: Faunerie) { this.database = instance; } // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols updateFromPreprocessed(preprocessed: string, tags: string, statusUpdateHandler: Function) { return new Promise((res) => { let sqlGet: Function; let sqlQuery: Function; let protectedEncode: Function; let database = this.database; const zlib = require('zlib'); sqlGet = sqlQuery = async (query: string) => { return await database._sql(query); } protectedEncode = (b: string) => { return zlib.deflateRawSync(b, {level: 9}); } function sqlstr(str?: string) { if (str === null) { return "NULL"; } else { return "'" + str.replaceAll("'", "''") + "'"; } } function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((res) => { setTimeout(res, ms); }); } async function addToDB(images: object[]) { await sqlQuery(`PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF`); let tags = {}; for (let image of images) { let imageTags = image['tags'].map((i: number, j: object) => { return [image['tag_ids'][j], i]; }); for (let tag of imageTags) { tags[tag[0]] = tag[1]; } } let uploaders = {}; for (let image of images) { if (image['uploader_id']) { uploaders[image['uploader_id']] = image['uploader']; } } let index = 0; let u = Object.entries(uploaders); for (let i = 0; i < u.length; i += 50) { const chunk = u.slice(i, i + 50); for (let uploader of chunk) { if ((await sqlGet(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uploaders WHERE id=${uploader[0]}`))[0]["COUNT(*)"]) { await sqlQuery(`DELETE FROM uploaders WHERE id=${uploader[0]}`); } } // @ts-ignore await sqlQuery(`INSERT INTO uploaders(id, name) VALUES ${ => `(${uploader[0]}, '${(uploader[1] ?? "").replaceAll("'", "''")}')`).join(",")}`); index += 50; } index = 0; let v = images; for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i += 50) { const chunk = v.slice(i, i + 50); for (let image of chunk) { if ((await sqlGet(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images WHERE id=${image['id']}`))[0]["COUNT(*)"]) { await sqlQuery(`DELETE FROM images WHERE id=${image['id']}`); await sqlQuery(`DELETE FROM image_tags WHERE image_id=${image['id']}`); await sqlQuery(`DELETE FROM image_intensities WHERE image_id=${image['id']}`); await sqlQuery(`DELETE FROM image_representations WHERE image_id=${image['id']}`); } } await sqlQuery(`INSERT INTO images(id, source_id, source_name, source, animated, hidden_from_users, processed, spoilered, thumbnails_generated, aspect_ratio, duration, wilson_score, created_at, first_seen_at, updated_at, comment_count, downvotes, duplicate_of, faves, height, score, size, tag_count, upvotes, width, deletion_reason, description, format, mime_type, name, orig_sha512_hash, sha512_hash, source_url, uploader) VALUES ${ => `(${image['id']}, ${image['source_id'] ?? image['id']}, ${sqlstr(image['source_name'] ?? null)}, ${sqlstr(image['source'] ?? null)}, ${image['animated'] ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'}, ${image['hidden_from_users'] ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'}, ${image['processed'] ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'}, ${image['spoilered'] ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'}, ${image['thumbnails_generated'] ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'}, ${image['aspect_ratio']}, ${image['duration']}, ${image['wilson_score']}, ${new Date(image['created_at']).getTime() / 1000}, ${new Date(image['first_seen_at']).getTime() / 1000}, ${new Date(image['updated_at']).getTime() / 1000}, ${image['comment_count']}, ${image['downvotes']}, ${image['duplicate_of']}, ${image['faves']}, ${image['height']}, ${image['score']}, ${image['size']}, ${image['tag_count']}, ${image['upvotes']}, ${image['width']}, ${sqlstr(image['deletion_reason'])}, ${sqlstr(image['description'])}, ${sqlstr(image['format'])}, ${sqlstr(image['mime_type'])}, ${sqlstr(image['name'])}, ${sqlstr(image['orig_sha512_hash'])}, ${sqlstr(image['sha512_hash'])}, ${sqlstr(image['source_url'])}, ${image['uploader_id']})`).join(",")}`); await sqlQuery(`INSERT INTO image_tags(image_id, tags) VALUES ${ => `(${image['id']}, ",${image['tag_ids'].join(",")},")`).join(",")}`); await sqlQuery(`INSERT INTO image_intensities(image_id, ne, nw, se, sw) VALUES ${ => `(${image['id']}, ${image['intensities']?.ne ?? null}, ${image['intensities']?.nw ?? null}, ${image['intensities']?.se ?? null}, ${image['intensities']?.sw ?? null})`).join(",")}`); await sqlQuery(`INSERT INTO image_representations(image_id, view, full, large, medium, small, tall, thumb, thumb_small, thumb_tiny) VALUES ${ => `(${image['id']}, ${sqlstr(image['view_url'])}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].full)}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].large)}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].medium)}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].small)}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].tall)}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].thumb)}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].thumb_small)}, ${sqlstr(image['representations'].thumb_tiny)})`).join(",")}`); index += 50; } await sqlQuery(`PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON`); } async function cleanDB() { await database.clean(); } function timeToString(time: number | string | Date) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(time as string))) { time = new Date(time).getTime(); } let periods = ["second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "age"]; let lengths = [60, 60, 24, 7, 4.35, 12, 100]; let difference = (time as number) / 1000; let period: string; let j: number; for (j = 0; difference >= lengths[j] && j < lengths.length - 1; j++) { difference /= lengths[j]; } difference = Math.round(difference); period = periods[j]; return `${difference} ${period}${difference > 1 ? "s" : ""}`; } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { global = window; } async function consolidateDB() { await sqlQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tags_pre"); statusUpdateHandler([{ title: "Saving database...", progress: 0, indeterminate: false }]); if (database.cache) { await fs.promises.copyFile(database.cache + "/work.pbdb", database.path + "/current.pbdb"); } fs.unlinkSync(global.oldDBFile ?? null); res(); } let update = async () => { const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); process.chdir(this.database.path); statusUpdateHandler([{ title: "Backup up database...", progress: 0, indeterminate: false }]); global.oldDBFile = this.database.path + "/" + new Date().getTime() + ".pbdb"; fs.copyFileSync(this.database.path + "/current.pbdb", global.oldDBFile); statusUpdateHandler([{ title: "Cleaning up database...", progress: 0, indeterminate: false }]); await cleanDB(); statusUpdateHandler([{ title: "Preparing update...", progress: 0, indeterminate: false }]); let sqlPreGet = (sql: string) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { global.preDatabase.all(sql, function (err: Error | null, data: IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric) { if (err) { rej(err); } else { res(data); } }); }); } let sqlTagGet = (sql: string) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { global.tagsDatabase.all(sql, function (err: Error | null, data: IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric) { if (err) { rej(err); } else { res(data); } }); }); } const sqlite3 = require(process.platform === "darwin" ? "../../../sql/mac" : "../../../sql/win"); global.preDatabase = new sqlite3.Database(preprocessed); global.tagsDatabase = new sqlite3.Database(tags); await new Promise((res) => { global.preDatabase.serialize(() => { res(); }); }); const host = ""; const port = 19842; const preprocessedImageCount = parseInt((await sqlPreGet("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images"))[0]["COUNT(*)"]); let preprocessedServer = http.createServer(async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => { let page = 1; let requestPage = new URL(req.url, "https://nothing.invalid").searchParams.get('page'); let out = { images: [], interactions: [], total: preprocessedImageCount } if (requestPage && !isNaN(parseInt(requestPage))) { page = parseInt(requestPage); } let everything = (await sqlPreGet("SELECT * FROM images LIMIT 50 OFFSET " + ((page - 1) * 50))) as IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric[]; out.images = => JSON.parse(atob(i['json']))); res.writeHead(200); res.end(JSON.stringify(out)); }); preprocessedServer.listen(port, host, () => { // noinspection HttpUrlsUsage console.log(`Server is running on http://${host}:${port}`); }); let updateTags = ((await sqlTagGet("SELECT * FROM tags")) as IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric[]).map(i => JSON.parse(atob(i['json']))); let index = 0; for (let i = 0; i < updateTags.length; i += 50) { const chunk = updateTags.slice(i, i + 50); let aliases = []; let implications = []; for (let tag of chunk) { // noinspection ES6MissingAwait aliases.push(sqlstr(await sqlTagGet(`SELECT target FROM aliases WHERE source = ` + tag['id'])[0]?.target ?? null)); implications.push(sqlstr("," + (await sqlTagGet(`SELECT target FROM implications WHERE source = ` + tag['id']) as IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric[]).map(i => i['target']).join(",") + ",")); } await sqlQuery(`INSERT INTO tags(id, name, alias, implications, category, description, description_short, slug) VALUES ${, index) => `(${tag['id']}, ${sqlstr(tag['name'])}, ${aliases[index]}, ${implications[index]}, ${sqlstr(tag['category'])}, ${sqlstr(tag['description'])}, ${sqlstr(tag['short_description'])}, ${sqlstr(tag['slug'])})`).join(",")}`); index += 50; statusUpdateHandler([{ title: "Preparing update... " + Math.round((index / updateTags.length) * 100) + "%", progress: ((index / updateTags.length) * 100), indeterminate: false }]); } statusUpdateHandler([{ title: "Preparing update...", progress: 0, indeterminate: false }]); global.statusInfo = []; function prettySize(s: number) { if (s < 1024) { return s.toFixed(0) + " B"; } else if (s < 1024 ** 2) { return (s / 1024).toFixed(0) + " KiB"; } else if (s < 1024 ** 3) { return (s / 1024 ** 2).toFixed(1) + " MiB"; } else if (s < 1024 ** 4) { return (s / 1024 ** 3).toFixed(2) + " GiB"; } else { return (s / 1024 ** 4).toFixed(2) + " TiB"; } } function doImageFileDownload(url: string, image: object) { global.statusInfo[2] = { title: "Image: " + image['id'], progress: 0, indeterminate: false } statusUpdateHandler(global.statusInfo); const axios = require('axios'); return new Promise(async (res) => { // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols const response = await axios({ url, validateStatus: (s: number) => (s >= 200 && s < 300) || (s === 404 || s === 403 || s === 401), method: 'GET', responseType: 'arraybuffer', onDownloadProgress: (event: IFaunerieUpdaterGeneric) => { global.statusInfo[2] = { title: "Image: " + image['id'] + " (" + Math.round((event['loaded'] / event['total']) * 100) + "%)", progress: ((event['loaded'] / event['total']) * 100), indeterminate: false } statusUpdateHandler(global.statusInfo); } } as object); global.statusInfo[2] = null; res(; }); } global.doneFetching = false; if (!fs.existsSync("./thumbnails")) fs.mkdirSync("./thumbnails"); if (!fs.existsSync("./images")) fs.mkdirSync("./images"); let total1: number; let pages1: number; let types = []; async function doRequest() { try { return (await (await fetch("")).json())['total']; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return doRequest(); } } total1 = await doRequest(); pages1 = Math.ceil(total1 / 50); types.push({ query: "my:faves", name: "faved", pages: pages1, total: total1 }); let prelists = {}; global.totalPrelist = []; global.totalPrelistFull = []; global.times = []; global.times2 = []; global.totalPages = => i['pages']).reduce((a, b) => a + b); global.totalImages = => i['total']).reduce((a, b) => a + b); global.totalPageNumber = 0; global.images = 0; global.updateCategories = {}; console.log(global.totalImages + " images to download from sources, part of " + global.totalPages + " pages"); for (let type of types) { let prelist = []; let pages = type.pages; for (let pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pages; pageNumber++) { if (global.doneFetching || !preprocessedServer) break; let start = new Date().getTime(); let tryFetch = true; let page: object = {}; while (tryFetch) { try { page = await (await fetch("" + pageNumber)).json(); page['images'] = page['images'].map((image: object) => { if (image['representations']['thumb'].endsWith(".mp4") || image['representations']['thumb'].endsWith(".webm")) { image['representations']['thumb'] = image['representations']['thumb'].substring(0, image['representations']['thumb'].length - path.extname(image['representations']['thumb']).length) + ".gif"; } return image; }); tryFetch = false; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } await addToDB(page['images']); for (let image of page['images']) { if (!global.updateCategories[]) global.updateCategories[] = { upvotes: false, downvotes: false, watched: false, faved: false, uploads: false } global.updateCategories[][] = true; } prelist.push(['images']); global.totalPrelist.push(['images']); global.totalPrelistFull.push(['images']); global.times.push(new Date().getTime() - start); let fetchEta = (global.totalPages - global.totalPageNumber) * (global.times.reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b, 0) / global.times.length); if (global.totalPageNumber === global.totalPages) { global.doneFetching = true; } global.statusInfo[0] = { title: "Fetching: " + Math.round((global.totalPageNumber / global.totalPages) * 100) + "% (" + global.totalPageNumber + "/" + global.totalPages + ") complete" + (global.times.length > 10 ? ", " + timeToString(fetchEta) : "") + " (" + global.totalPrelistFull.length + ")", progress: ((global.totalPageNumber / global.totalPages) * 100), indeterminate: false } statusUpdateHandler(global.statusInfo); global.totalPageNumber++; } prelists[] = prelist; } global.doneFetching = true; global.totalFetchingSize = object) => i['size']).reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b); try { preprocessedServer.closeAllConnections(); preprocessedServer.close(); preprocessedServer = null; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } while (global.totalPrelist.length > 0) { let image = global.totalPrelist.shift(); global.lastImage = image; let start = new Date().getTime(); let downloaded = false; let path1 = (image['sha512_hash'] ?? image['orig_sha512_hash'] ?? "0000000").substring(0, 1); let path2 = (image['sha512_hash'] ?? image['orig_sha512_hash'] ?? "0000000").substring(0, 2); let path3 = (image['sha512_hash'] ?? image['orig_sha512_hash'] ?? "0000000").substring(0, 3); if (!fs.existsSync("./images/" + path1)) fs.mkdirSync("./images/" + path1); if (!fs.existsSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2)) fs.mkdirSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2); if (!fs.existsSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3)) fs.mkdirSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3); if (!fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + path1)) fs.mkdirSync("./thumbnails/" + path1); if (!fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2)) fs.mkdirSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2); if (!fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3)) fs.mkdirSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3); let fileName = path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/" + image['id'] + ".bin"; let fileName2 = path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/" + image['id'] + ".bin"; let fileNamePre = path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin"; let fileNamePre2 = path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin"; if (!fs.existsSync("./images/" + fileName) || !fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + fileName2)) { if (fs.existsSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['view_url']))) fs.unlinkSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['view_url'])); if (fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['representations']['thumb']))) fs.unlinkSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['representations']['thumb'])); if (fs.existsSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin")) fs.unlinkSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin"); if (fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin")) fs.unlinkSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin"); if (fs.existsSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['view_url']))) fs.unlinkSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/" + path3 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['view_url'])); if (fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['representations']['thumb']))) fs.unlinkSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/." + image['id'] + path.extname(image['representations']['thumb'])); if (fs.existsSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin")) fs.unlinkSync("./images/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin"); if (fs.existsSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin")) fs.unlinkSync("./thumbnails/" + path1 + "/" + path2 + "/." + image['id'] + ".bin"); let tryFetch = true; while (tryFetch) { try { fs.writeFileSync("./images/" + fileNamePre, protectedEncode(await doImageFileDownload(image['view_url'], image))); tryFetch = false; } catch (e) { console.error(e); await sleep(1500); } } tryFetch = true; while (tryFetch) { try { fs.writeFileSync("./thumbnails/" + fileNamePre2, protectedEncode(await doImageFileDownload(image['representations']['thumb'], image))); tryFetch = false; } catch (e) { console.error(e); await sleep(1500); } } fs.renameSync("./thumbnails/" + fileNamePre2, "./thumbnails/" + fileName2); fs.renameSync("./images/" + fileNamePre, "./images/" + fileName); downloaded = true; } if (downloaded) global.times2.push([new Date().getTime() - start, image['size']]); global.totalPrelist.shift(); global.images++; let eta = (global.totalImages - global.times2.length) * ( number[]) => i[0]).reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b, 0) / global.times2.length); let times = number[]) => i[0] / i[1]).slice(0, 20); let averageBps = times.length > 0 ? (times.reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b) / times.length) : 0; let dataLeft = global.totalFetchingSize - number[]) => i[1]).reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b, 0); eta = dataLeft * averageBps; let title = "Downloading: " + Math.round((global.images / global.totalImages) * 100) + "% (" + global.images + "/" + global.totalImages + ", " + prettySize( number[]) => i[1]).reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b, 0)) + (global.totalFetchingSize ? "/" + prettySize(global.totalFetchingSize) : "") + ") complete" + (global.times2.length > 10 && eta > 1000 ? ", " + timeToString(eta) : ""); global.statusInfo[0] = { title, progress: ((global.images / global.totalImages) * 100), indeterminate: false } statusUpdateHandler(global.statusInfo); } await consolidateDB(); } update().then(_ => {}); }); } }