import requests from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance, ImageOps from io import BytesIO import config.raindrops as config DERPI_ENDPOINT = "" NOTIFY_ENDPOINT = f"{config.user_name}" def should_notify(target_post, sent_list): return target_post['id'] not in sent_list and target_post['processed'] and not target_post["deletion_reason"] def do_request(query, filter_id): params = {"key": api_key, "q": query, "filter_id": filter_id, "per_page": 50} return requests.get(DERPI_ENDPOINT, params=params) def get_artists(tags): artists = filter(lambda tag: tag.startswith("artist:"), tags) artists = map(lambda tag: tag.removeprefix("artist:"), artists) artists = format_artists(list(artists)) return artists def format_artists(artists): if len(artists) == 0: return "Anonymous artist" if len(artists) == 1: return artists[0] return ", ".join(artists[:-1]) + " and " + artists[-1] def get_censored_tags(tags, trigger_tags): overlap = tags.intersection(trigger_tags) return overlap def get_thumbnail(image_url, censor, resolution, target_post): if not target_post['mime_type'].startswith("image/"): return None image = image = image.convert("RGBA") thumb = image.resize(resolution) thumb = thumb.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(80)) thumb = ImageEnhance.Brightness(thumb).enhance(0.5) if censor: image = image.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(40)) image = ImageOps.contain(image, resolution) thumb.paste(image, ((resolution[0] - image.size[0]) // 2, 0)) buffer = BytesIO(), format="PNG") return buffer def get_prefix(censored_tags): if len(censored_tags) > 0: prefix = "⚠️ " + ", ".join(censored_tags) else: prefix = "safe" return prefix def get_description(target_post): if not target_post["description"]: return None return target_post["description"].replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ").strip() def get_notify_data(target_post, thumb_res, trigger_tags): post_id = target_post["id"] width = target_post["width"] height = target_post["height"] tags = target_post["tags"] censor_tags = get_censored_tags(set(tags), trigger_tags) censor = "safe" not in tags artists = get_artists(tags) prefix = get_prefix(censor_tags) description = get_description(target_post) title = f"#{post_id} - by {artists}" message = f"{prefix} - {width}x{height}" if description: message += f" - {description}" click = f"{post_id}" thumb = get_thumbnail(target_post['representations']['medium'], censor, thumb_res, target_post) notify_data = {"title": title, "message": message, "click": click, "thumb": thumb} return notify_data def send_notification(notify_data, auth):, data=notify_data["thumb"].getvalue() if notify_data["thumb"] else None, headers={"Authorization": f"Basic {auth}", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (+Derp/0.0)", "Tags": "derpibooru", "Priority": "min", "Title": notify_data["title"].encode("utf-8"), "Message": notify_data["message"].encode("utf-8"), "Click": notify_data["click"].encode("utf-8"), "Icon": ""}) api_key = open(config.token_path, "r").read().strip() ntfy_auth = open("auth.txt", "r").read().strip() response = do_request(config.query, config.filter_id if config.filter_id >= 0 else None) data = response.json() with open(config.sent_list_path, "r+") as f: sent = [int(image_id.strip()) for image_id in f.readlines()] for post in reversed(data['images']): if not should_notify(post, sent): continue post_notify_data = get_notify_data(post, config.resolution, config.triggers) send_notification(post_notify_data, ntfy_auth) print(post['id']) sent.append(post['id']) f.write(f"{post['id']}\n")