function startMatrix() { try { const sdk = require("matrix-js-sdk"); const showdown = require('showdown'); global.matrixSend = async (room, message, data) => { await client.sendEvent(room, "", { msgtype: "m.text", body: data ?? message, format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: markdown(message), }); } global.markdown = (text) => { let converter = new showdown.Converter(); return converter.makeHtml(text); } const client = sdk.createClient({ baseUrl: "", userId: require('./credentials.json').username, accessToken: require('./credentials.json').token }); (async () => { await client.startClient({ initialSyncLimit: 0 }); client.once("sync", async function (state, prevState, res) { if (state === "PREPARED") { console.log("Ready!"); client.setPresence({ presence: "online" }); } else { console.log(state); process.exit(1); } }); client.on("Room.timeline", function (event, room) { if (event.getType() !== "") { return; } if (new Date().getTime() - event.event.origin_server_ts < 1000 && event.sender.userId !== require('./credentials.json').username) { let message = event.event.content.body; if (event.event.content.formatted_body && event.event.content.formatted_body.startsWith("")) { message = event.event.content.formatted_body.split("")[1]; } if (message.startsWith(".") && !message.startsWith("..") && message.trim() !== "." && message.trim() !== ".c." && !message.trim().startsWith(".c.") && !message.trim().startsWith(".❤️")) { let command; try { command = message.replaceAll(/ +/g, " "); if (command.startsWith(". ")) command = "." + command.substring(2); command = command.split(" ")[0].substring(1).replaceAll("/", "-"); let parameter = message.split(" ").splice(1).join(" "); require('./handler')({ command, parameter, source: "matrix", event, room, client }); } catch (e) { matrixSend(room.roomId, "❓ Hmm, something isn't quite right! I was trying to process your message and something wrong happened. I think you need to report this so it can be fixed!\n\n
Show stack trace\n\n```plaintext\n" + e.stack + "\n```\n\n
"); } } else if (message.includes(require('./credentials.json').username) || (event.event.content.formatted_body && event.event.content.formatted_body.includes(require('./credentials.json').username))) { matrixSend(room.roomId, "👋 Hello! I think you forgot my prefix is `.`, use `.help` to get help."); } } }); client.on("RoomMember.membership", function (event, member) { if (member.membership === "invite" && member.userId === require('./credentials.json').username) { client.joinRoom(member.roomId).then(function () { console.log("Auto-joined %s", member.roomId); }); } }); })(); } catch (e) { setTimeout(() => { startMatrix(); }, 300000); } } startMatrix();