# Advent of Code 2022 Advent of Code is a yearly event occuring every December between the 1st and the 25th (both inclusive). The goal is to extract the problem from a "story", and write a program to solve the problem. ## Specific rules for us 1. Don't read today's problem without the other. 2. Don't work on today's problem without the other. 3. If we're running out of time and one of us is stuck, the other can complete it on their own. 4. The rules apply to all of us. 5. Cloudburst System is to decide which language is used when. 6. Pony. ## Adding a twist For each day, choose one of these languages to work in based on the task. Learning of new languages is preferred, so if the task seems simple to do try to use a language you don't know. Place a README.md containing the deconstructed task, and which language being used. - JS - Python - Kotlin - **new language (for Cloudburst)** - Rust - **new language** - Ruby - **new language** - C# - **new language (for Raindrops)** - PHP - Visual Basic - **new language** - Wing - **new language (for Cloudburst)**
Languages we decided not to use - Lua - Java - Scala - C - Swift - Groovy - C++ - Bash - Go - Excel - PowerShell - F# - Dart - SQL - Minecraft - CoffeeScript